providence furnish men to quirry & cut the
stone & prepare them ^it^ for the building yes did I
not give you means to build the Temple there?
yes. vary well had you have died in Nauvoo
on the walls of the Temple or in your fields
I would have taken you to glory ^myself^ and raised
up men to officiate for you and you would have got ^enjoyed^ the highest glory. did you make a sacrafice
by tithing? No well I dont wonder you did
not believe I had power over the devil.
Such may go away. But I want to have the
faithful stay here to settle the city. we shall
require the 10th of all your property forthe ^as a^
tithing for the building of the Temples, the
poor and for the Priesthood. I want my support and
living by the Church hereafter so that I can
give my whole time to the business of the Church
I have always supported myself heretofore in all
my travels and labours. While in England one
year, we circulated 60,000 tracts upon our
doctrin. this ought to be done in all the world
^and it can be where the Elders are faithful in their calling^ The testator ^Joseph^ has always lived ^been preserved^ untill now, but he
has now sealed his testimony with his blood
and his testiment should now be put in force
while the testator lived it was all in his hands
but now he is dead. Their is no remission of
sins without the sheding of Blood. you will
soon wake up and know things as they are their
has been a great dept paid. their will be no need
of more Blood of the Saints being shed at present
by and by you will understand and see that all
is right. WO, WO, WO, unto all who have
shed the blood of the Saints and the Lords
Anointed it must needs be that offences come
but wo unto that man through whome they come
providence furnish men to quirry & cut the
stone & prepare it for the building yes did I
not give you means to build the Temple there?
yes. vary well had you died in Nauvoo
on the walls of the Temple or in your fields
I would have taken you to myself and raised
up men to officiate for you and you would have
and enjoyed the highest glory. did you make a sacrafice
by tithing? No well I dont wonder you did
not believe I had power over the devil.
Such may go away. But I want to have the
faithful stay here to settle the city. we shall
require the 10th of all your property as a
tithing for the building of the Temples, the
poor and for the Priesthood. I want my support and
living by the church hereafter so that I can
give my whole time to the business of the church
I have always supported myself heretofore in all
my travels and labours. While in England one
year, we circulated 60,000 tracts upon our
doctrin. this ought to be done in all the world
and it can be where the Elders are faithful in their calling
Joseph has always been preserved untill now, but he
has now sealed his testimony with his blood
and his testiment should now be put in force
while the testator lived it was all in his hands
but now he is dead. Their is no remission of
sins without the Sheding of Blood. you will
soon wake up and know things as they are their
has been a great dept paid. their will be no need
of more Blood of the Saints being shed at present
by and by you will understand and see that all
is right. WO, WO, WO, unto all who have
shed the blood of the Saints and the Lords
Anointed it must needs be that offences come
but wo unto that man through whome they come
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"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," August 18, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,