up friends & deliverd him from their hands
or in other words brought them all together to NauvlooNauvoo & it was truly a regoiceing
time to the Saints to see him again Reynolds & Wilson were both taken with a writ for
fals imprisionment though their intention
was to have taken Joseph Smith's life by taken
him to Missouri to be destroyed yet Joseph
Smith heaped cowles [coals] of fire upon their head
by treating them well setting them to the
head of his table & giving them the best
he had served unto them by his own wife
the vary woman they had refused to see
her husband as he was taken from her by
the force of Arms unlawfully after dining
they all repaired to the court room whare
the Municipal Court of the City of Nauvoo
sat & Joseph Smith was deliverd into their
hands for trial & as for Reynolds &
Wilson they scertainly did look sheepish
for they were guilty & had done wrong.
President Smith got onto a waggon &
said to the multitude (before he went to
court) I am out of the hands of the
Missourians thank God, & thanked the
people for their kindness & love to him
& said I will again address you at the
grove near the temple at 4 oclock. after
introducing the subject to the court he said
he had an appointment to speak to the
people & he wish the privilege. The court
adjourned untill next morning at 8 oclok
President Joseph Smith then went to
the grove took the stand in the midst
of about seven thousand Saints the
resu[l]t is as follows
up friends & deliverd him from their hands
or in other words brought them all together to
Nauvoo & it was truly a regoiceing
time to the Saints to see him again Reynolds &
Wilson were both taken with a writ for
fals imprisionment though their intention
was to have taken Joseph Smith's life by taken
him to Missouri to be destroyed yet Joseph
Smith heaped cowles of fire upon their head
by treating them well setting them to the
head of his table & giving them the best
he had served unto them by his own wife
the vary woman they had refused to see
her husband as he was taken from her by
the force of Arms unlawfully after dining
they all repaired to the Court Room whare
the Municipal Court of the City of Nauvoo
sat & Joseph Smith was deliverd into their
hands for trial & as for Reynolds &
Wilson they certainly did look sheepish
for they were guilty & had done wrong
President Smith got onto a waggon &
said to the multitude (before he went to
Court) I am out of the hands of the
Missourians thank God, & thanked the
people for their kindness & love to him
& said I will again address you at the
grove near the temple at 4 oclock. after
introducing the subject to the Court he said
he had an appointment to speak to the
people & he wish the privilege. The Court
adjourned untill next morning at 8 oclok
President Joseph Smith then went to
the grove took the stand in the midst
of about seven thousand Saints the
result is as follows
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," June 30, 1843, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/wxr