^^ Nov 10th Sunday morning Phebe & myself both called
upon sister Foss family we found them both vary
low, it was thought that Sarah Elizabeth Foss would
not get well. I wrote two letter one to Ilus F. Carter
& one to Freedom & Shuah Moulton giving them an
account of the sickness of our friends. Br & sister Scammans was with us through the day. I paid Rhoda
Scammans $2.50 cts which she lent me the fore part
of the summer. In the evening I felt quite unwell
Mrs Woodruff gave me an Emetic of lobelia the
sickness lasted about 2 minutes & all was over
I took supper & went to bed & had a comfortable
nights rest
~ Monday
11th This is the election day to cast their votes
for President in the state of Maine. Sister Foss
& family continue about the same vary sick Phebe spent the day taking care of them. I
walked up in the evening to see them & Mrs
Woodruff returned with me [FIGURE]{Darkness prevailed [illegible shorthand] five dollars to Phebe}
~ Tuesday
12th Sister Foss & family are some better Mrs Woodruff went
to Saco
~ Wednesday
123th Sister Foss & Sarah Elizabeth are both better
to outward appearance they both got together into
one bed & prayed and sung & shouted glory to God &c.
this no doubt was caused more by the weakness
of the system than by sound judgment; for such
religious exercises as are manifest at times at a
camp meeting to be exercised by persons in a low
state of fever are not beneficial eith[er] to soul or body
I sent a paper to Ilus & one to Freedom Moulton
stating that Sister Foss & Sarah Elizabeth was
better, but in the evening, Sarah Elizabeth was
taken wors & began to sink vary fast, they gave
her medicine but she was much distressed &
they thought mortification had taken place
~ Sunday
FIGURES Nov 10th Sunday morning Phebe & myself both called
upon sister Foss family we found them both vary
low, it was thought that Sarah Elizabeth Foss would
not get well. I wrote two letter one to Ilus F. Carter
& one to Freedom & Shuah Moulton giving them an
account of the sickness of our friends. Br & sister
Scammans was with us through the day. I paid Rhoda
Scammans $2.50 cts which she lent me the fore part
of the summer. In the evening I felt quite unwell
Mrs Woodruff gave me an Emetie of lobella the
sickness lasted about 2 minutes & all was over
I took supper & went to bed & had a comfortable
nights rest
~ Monday
11th This is the election day to cast their votes
for President in the State of Maine. Sister Foss
& family continue about the same vary sick
Phebe spent the day taking care of them. I
walked up in the evening to see them & Mrs
Woodruff returned with me FIGURES {Darkness prevailed five dollars to Phebe}
13th [FIGURE] Sister Foss & Sarah Elizabeth are both better
to outward appearance they both got together into
one bed & prayed and sung & shouted glory to God &c.
this no doubt was caused more by the weakness
of the system than by sound judgment; for such
religious exercises as are manifest at times at a
camp meeting to be exercised by persons in a low
state of fever are not beneficial either to soul or body
I sent a paper to Ilus & one to Freedom Moulton
stating that Sister Foss & Sarah Elizabeth was
better. but in the evening. Sarah Elizabeth was
taken wors & began to sink vary fast, they gave
her medicine but she was much distressed &
they thought mortification had taken place
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," November 10, 1844 - November 13, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/BGX