Paid fare on the Alps to St Louis $2.50
had a rainy damp & a snow storm through
the night
~ Friday
27th Arived in Louisville at 4 oclok in the
morning I visited Kelloggs paper ware house
bought a bottle of writing ink 54 cts 1[8]44
Almanack $2.00 I visited Morton & Griswold
Paper Warehouse the largest one in the city
& Bought 3 quire of marble paper at 75 cts pe[r] qr
$2.25 got their samples of paper & prices con
do better than in the eastern market considering
freight &c. Returned to the Boat Remained
in Louisville untill 8 oclok in the evening
being 10 hours in Louisville before we cleared
the locks I never was in a worse mess to
travel with. we had a cold night
~ Saturday
28th A plesent morning but cool travel well
through the day, word got into the cabin
that I was a mormon as is called & a preacher
& many came to see me Mr Walker of Ill was
one & Mr J Abel came came down after I was in
bed & asked me many questions about Joseph
Smith & mormonism the plates &c these things
was the topic of conversation continually on
the river. I Bunked part of the time with
a missouri Baptist Priest. I have taken
cold & some reumatism as their is a stream of
water running near their my head on the wall
~ Sunday
29th Sunday I arose in the morning with my
Reumatism griping me through the sholdiers
Mr Abel was ready to renew the subject of
mormonism & when he had done others comme-
nced we reached the mouth of the Ohio abou
1 oclock & I was glad to get so near home
Paid fare on the Alps to St Louis $2.50
had a rainy damp & a snow storm through
the night
~ Friday
27th Arived in Louisville at 4 oclok in the
morning I visited Kelloggs paper ware house
bought a bottle of writing ink 54 cts 1844
Almanack $2.00 I visited Morton & Griswold
Paper Warehouse the largest one in the city
& Bought 3 quire of marble paper at 75 cts per qr
$2.25 got their samples of paper & prices con
do better than in the eastern market considering
freight &c. Returned to the Boat Remained
in Louisville untill 8 oclok in the evening
being 10 hours in Louisville before we cleared
the locks I never was in a worse mess to
travel with. we had a cold night
~ Saturday
28th A plesent morning but cool travel well
through the day, word got into the cabin
that I was a mormon as is called & a preacher
& many came to see me Mr Walker of Ill was
one & Mr J Abel came came down after I was in
bed & asked me many questions about Joseph
Smith & mormonism the plates &c these things
was the topic of conversation continually on
the river. I Bunked part of the time with
a missouri Baptist Priest. I have taken
cold & some reumatism as their is a stream of
water running near my head on the wall
~ Sunday
29th Sunday I arose in the morning with my
Reumatism griping me through the sholdiers
Mr Abel was ready to renew the subject of
mormonism & when he had done others commenced we reached the mouth of the ohio abou
1 oclock & I was glad to get so near home
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"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," October 26, 1843 - October 29, 1843, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 24, 2025,