October 2ndWednsday, ^Tuesday 1st^ I returned to New Hartford
called a few moments upon Charles Lyman, rode to Canton had an interview with John Woodruff
called upon uncle Alson Thompson, & took dinner
with him And I spent two hours with Br ThompsonWoodruff[FIGURES] I had not seen him
before for fourteen years except one evening in Richland N Y about seven years since. we were both
glad to meet. we talked over many old times, he
was much worn down. I returned to my fathers
House & spent the night in company with uncle Ozem Woodruff we were also glad to meet. O how sweet are the hours spent in the society of my friends
who stand with me in the same covenant of the gospel
their is an increase of Interest in the visits I make
at my fathers house [FIGURE] 30 m[iles]
~ Thursday
23rd I rode into Hartford I made enquiry for Elder Q Sparks could not find him. I returned home to fathers House & spent the night [FIGURE] 20 miles
~ Friday
34th I spent the day writing at fathers house Sister Hooker came down & I administered to her by the
laying on of hands I wrote a letter to Mr Smith [FIGURE]Tuttle of Fair Haven I had an interesting time
through the evening with Father Mother and uncle Ozem Woodruff[FIGURE] I lade my hands upon the head
of Uncle Ozem Woodruff And I ordained him
unto the office of An HIGHPRIEST after
the order of Melchisedec, he was much affected with
the testimony born to his mind at the time of the
ordination I had an interesting time with the family
~ Wednesday
October 2nd Tuesday 1st I returned to New Hartford
called a few moments upon Charles Lyman. rode to
Canton had an interview with John Woodruff
called upon uncle Alson Thompson. & took dinner
with him And I spent two hours with Br
ThompsonWoodruff FIGURES I had not seen him
before for fourteen years except one evening in
Richland NY about seven years since. we were both
glad to meet, we talked over many old times, he
was much worn down. I returned to my fathers
House & spent the night in company with uncle
Ozem Woodruff we were also glad to meet.
O how sweet are the hours spent in the society of my friends
who stand with me in the same covenant of the gospel
their is an increase of Interest in the visits I make
at my fathers house [FIGURE] 30 m
~ Thursday
3rd. I rode into Hartford I made enquiry for Elder
Q Sparks could not find him. I returned home to
fathers house & spent the night [FIGURE] 20 mils
~ Friday
4th I spent the day writing at fathers house sister
Hooker came down & I administered to her by the
laying on of hands I wrote a letter to Mr Smith
[FIGURE] Tuttle of Fair Haven I had an interesting time
through the evening with Father Mother and uncle
Ozem Woodruff [FIGURE] I lade my hands upon the head
of Uncle Ozem Woodruff And I ordained him
Unto the office of An HIGHPRIEST after
the order of Melchisedec, he was much affected with
the testimony born to his mind at the time of the
ordination I had an interesting time with the family
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," October 2, 1844 - October 4, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 5, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/vlr