Blood of Prophets and Saints. Their was to be
two Prophets in Jerrusalem slain, for they tormented
them. Prophets are always a torment to the People
for they tell them the truth, reprove their transgressions
speak of the Judgments that are to come, when those
prophets were to be slain the people all would rejoice
& send presents to one another because the prophets who
had tormented them were slain, but in three days
they stood upon their feet & the Joy of their enemies
was of short duration. It is so now their is a secret
Joy in the hearts of the Priest and many people
that the Prophet and Patriarch is murdered and
some manifest their joy openly. It is always a
dark time Just before day, it is a dark time now
but it will soon be light. When Christ was crucifyed
it was a dark time they were ready to go to their farm
fishing and merchandize and Peter sent to inquire if
he was the one or if we should look for another, the
answer was go and thell them what you see and
hear, feel my body I have arisen, and Joy immediatly
arose in their bosom. As soon as the Jews found he
had arisin they bribed the guard to say that while they
were asleep his deciples stole him away, which saying
is believed among the Jews untill the present day [Matthew 28:11-15]
and they are taken in their own snare for it has been
that vary key that has chained them untill the present
time, & so it is with this nation they have sealed their
damnation by shedding the blood of the vary man that
holds the keys of this last dispensation and consequently
their destiny. A word about Br Joseph being killed
some have thought he could not be killed, but the Lord
never said so neither did Joseph say so. So did
Peter say to Jesus when he told him that he would be slain
or offered, far be it from thee, this shall not come upon
thee. Jesus said get the[e] behind me Satan thou savoreth not
the things that be of God but of men [Matthew 16:22-23].
Blood of Prophets and Saints. Their was to be
two Prophets in Jerrusalem slain, for they tormented
them. Prophets are always a torment to the People
for they tell them the truth, reprove their transgressions
speak of the Judgments that are to come, when those
prophets were to be slain the people all would rejoice
& send Presents to one another because the prophets who
had tormented them were slain, but in three days
they stood upon their feet & the Joy of their enemies
was of short duration. It is so now their is a secret
Joy in the hearts of the Priest and many people
that the Prophet and Patriarch is murdered and
some manifest their joy openly. It is always a
dark time Just before day, it is a dark time now
but it will soon be light. When Christ was crucifyed
it was a dark time they were ready to go to their farm
fishing and merchandize and Peter sent to inquire if
he was the one or if we should look for another, the
answer was go and tell them what you see and
hear, feel my body I have arisen and Joy immediatly
arose in their bosom. As soon as the Jews found he
had arisin they bribed the guard to say that while they
were asleep his deciples stole him away, which saying
is believed among the Jews untill the present day
and they are taken in their own snare for it has been
that vary key that has chained them untill the present
time, & so it is with this nation they have sealed their
damnation by shedding the blood of the vary man that
holds the keys of this last dispensation and consequently
their destiny. A word about Br Joseph being killed
some have thought he could not be killed, but the Lord
never said so neither did Joseph say so. So did
Peter say to Jesus when he told him that he would be slain
or offered, far be it from thee this shall not come upon
thee Jesus said get thee behind me Satan thou savoreth not
the things that be of God but of men.
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"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," July 18, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,