about 900 visitoring ladies and gentlemen
to our city. On the arival of each boat they
were escorted to the stand by the Nauvoo
band and the escort companies whare convenient
seats were provided & whare they were
welcomed by the firing of cannon which brought
to our minds the last words of the patriot Jefferson: Let this day be celebrated by the
firing of cannon &c. The legion was not
The following is a
synopsis of the Address of President Joseph Smith
while speaking in his own defence before about
15,000 souls
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] If the people will give ear a momen[t]
I will address them, with few words in my own
defence as touching my arest. In the first
place I will state to those that can hear me
that I never spent more than six months
in Missouri except while in prison, while I
was there I was at work for the suppor[t] of
my family. I never was a prisioner of war
during my stay for I had not made war, I
never took a pistol, a gun, or sword & the much
that has been said on this subject is false I
have been willing to go before any governor
Judge or treibunal whare justice could be done
& have the subject investigated. I could not
have committee treason in that state while
there I had no controll any whare in temporal
things while there but in spiritual I was
driven from that state by force of
arms under the exterminating order of
Govornor Boggs. I have never commited
treason the people know vary well I
about 900 visiting ladies and gentlemen
to our City. On the arival of each boat they
were escorted to the stand by the Nauvoo
band and the escort companies whare convenient
seats were provided & whare they were
welcomed by the firing of cannon which brought
to our minds the last words of the patriot
Jefferson:- -Let this day be celebrated by the
firing of cannon &c. The legion was not
The following is a
synopsis of the Address of President Joseph Smith
while speaking in his own defence before about
15,000 souls
If the people will give ear a moment
I will address them, with few words in my own
defence as touching my arest. In the first
place I will state to these that can hear me
that I never spent more than six months
in Missouri except while in prison, while I
was there I was at work for the support of
my family. I never was a prisioner of war
during my stay for I had not made war, I
never took a pistol a gun, or sword & the much
that has been said on this subject is false I
have been willing to go before any governor
Judge or tribunal whare justice could be done
& have the subject investigated. I could not
have committee treason in that state while
there I had no controll any whare in temporal
things while there but in spiritual I was
driven from that state by force of
arms under the exterminating order of
Govornor Boggs. I have never commited
treason the people know vary well I
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," July 4, 1843, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 2, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/NG2