iate in the sacred ordinances of the Gospel of Christ? or to initiate
men into the kingdom of God? The average merchant in conducting his
regular business, when waited upon by one claiming to be an agent of a
manufacturer, places his order with that agent fully expecting to re-
ceive the goods. As the time rolls on the goods come according. to the
sample shown and the order given. This fact alone is proof to the mer-
chant that the agent was in touch with his principal and was a duly
authorized agent. But if the good^s^ come not, it is strogng presumptive
evidence that the agent was a fraud and was not authorized by the manu-
facturer to take orders for goods. If this test be applied to the
ministers of the various sects of the Christian world it will at once
be found that they are self-appointed agents, not in touch with the
principal whom they claim to represent, as their patrons receive not
the goods. In other words the signs and wonders promised by the Savior
are lacking and do not follow the believer, which alone is sufficient
evidence that the so-called ministers are never sent of God. Jesus said
"Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, he
that believeth and is baptized shall be saeved, but he that believeth
not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe;
in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing it
shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall re-
cover." These signs though forming one of the most prominent features
of the Gospel in the days of the Apostles are not to be found in any of
the contending sects of modern Christendom. Such as hunger and thirst
after righteousness become members of the various churches and humbly
bow at their sanctuaries, believing the doctrines there taught. Hunger-i
ly they seek food for their souls; thirstily they come, like sheep, to
the fountain, only to fingd that the storehouse is empty, the fountain
is dry. The promised blessigsngs fail, the signs do not follow, they re-
ceive not the goods. The grand secret of it all is, God has not sent
the agents through whom they seek these blessings; they hold no author-
ity to officiate in the ordinances of His house. As agents they are
not in touch with their Principal. These ministers are self-appointed
teachers of man-made systems of religion, they are teaching for doctrine
the commandments of men.
From the time the Christian Fathers fell by persecution, death or
controversy, from their original faith down to the time of the Emperior
Constantine made the catholic faith universal through the Roman pro-
vinces in the ^year^ 323 A D, the forms of the Christian religion were con-
statntly undergoing a change. At that time there were incorporated in
the Christian Church, heathen rites, which with the innovation added
down through the ages to the present time, stamps that church to-day
as one entirely separate and apart from the original apostolic Church.
Without Apostles and Prophets through whom they might obtain the word
of God, the Church has steadily drifted from its moorings unto ^onto^ the
broad sea of men's opinions till it is split and divided into hundreds
of different sects and creeds, no one of which can present an organ-
ization to-day that even resembles the form of the Church of Christ. The
iate in the sacred ordinances of the Gospel of Christ? or to initiate
men into the kingdom of God? The average merchant in conducting his
regular business, when waited upon by one claiming to be an agent of a
manufacturer, places his order with that agent fully expecting to receive the goods. As the time rolls on the goods come according. to the
sample shown and the order given. This fact alone is proof to the merchant that the agent was in touch with his principal and was a duly
authorized agent. But if the goods come not, it is strong presumptive
evidence that the agent was a fraud and was not authorized by the manufacturer to take orders for goods. If this test be applied to the
ministers of the various sects of the Christian world it will at once
be found that they are self-appointed agents, not in touch with the
principal whom they claim to represent, as their patrons receive not
the goods. In other words the signs and wonders promised by the Savior
are lacking and do not follow the believer, which alone is sufficient
evidence that the so-called ministers are never sent of God. Jesus said
"Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, he
that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth
not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe;
in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing it
shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover." These signs though forming one of the most prominent features
of the Gospel in the days of the Apostles are not to be found in any of
the contending sects of modern Christendom. Such as hunger and thirst
after righteousness become members of the various churches and humbly
bow at their sanctuaries, believing the doctrines there taught. Hungeri
ly they seek food for their souls; thirstily they come, like sheep, to
the fountain, only to find that the storehouse is empty, the fountain
is dry. The promised blessings fail, the signs do not follow, they receive not the goods. The grand secret of it all is, God has not sent
the agents through whom they seek these blessings; they hold no authority to officiate in the ordinances of His house. As agents they are
not in touch with their Principal. These ministers are self-appointed
teachers of man-made systems of religion, they are teaching for doctrine
the commandments of men.
From the time the Christian Fathers fell by persecution, death or
controversy, from their original faith down to the time the Emperior
Constantine made the catholic faith universal through the Roman provinces in the year 323 A D, the forms of the Christian religion were constantly undergoing a change. At that time there were incorporated in
the Christian Church, heathen rites, which with the innovation added
down through the ages to the present time, stamps that church to-day
as one entirely separate and apart from the original apostolic Church.
Without Apostles and Prophets through whom they might obtain the word
of God, the Church has steadily drifted from its moorings onto the
broad sea of men's opinions till it is split and divided into hundreds
of different sects and creeds, no one of which can present an organization to-day that even resembles the form of the Church of Christ. The