the City about as soon as they would.
When you send a cable gram to send
anyone home immediately should let them
go without any regard to business. You know
I am a minute man, but I cannot force
anyone away. Bro is a man of faith
and trust in God, he is as calm as a
summer's morning, and is turning over
the business every day to the understand-
ing of Bro , who has been as-
sisting in the office during Emigration,
and he is getting his things together to
pack up and leave as cheerful and
unconcerned as if it had been arranged
for him to go and there had been no
telegram. Bro. McAllister is a man of God
one of natures noblemen, humble faithful
and true. I have lived with him here
two years and a third and can say that
he improves upon acquaintance. We have
in the office with us at present Bro who leaves on Saturday for home
and a brother a young
man of excellent family — as the world goes —
and good education. He is about 23 years
of age. His parents are Catholics, is dead,