I am pleased to report to you that your is an earnest
and efficient laborer in the vineyard, and he is making
every effort possible to qualify himself to become a polished
shaft in the hands of the Almighty for the preaching of the
gospel to the nations. I look upon him as one of my most
promising elders. I intend changing him after a little while
to the Conference, which will extend his experience
and give him some extended ideas in regard to men & things.
Young are gems in the field if they only get a
proper send off. We see by the papers that old satan is very
active. He no doubt got a little set back however on the 4th of
November. It is a little singular that a fellow who hath Republican
tendencies should be inclined to shout hurah when a Democrat
comes into power, not that I expect any particular changes
from the efforts of the new man, but while the devil is stopping
to spit on his hands the Kingdom of God is gaining strength
You no doubt had an excellent time at Conference and that
the Lord was with you in power all the brethren testify who
speak of being there. I have 3 elders in the mission who
have been out over two years I shall release them to return home
sometime during the winter. My health and spirits are first
class I have overtaxed my eyes a little with study, but they will
be all right when they have a little rest Give my kind regards
to all the brethren and accept a share yourself.
I am your fellow laborer in the vineyard of our Lord
I am pleased to report to you that your is an earnest
and efficient laborer in the vineyard, and he is making
every effort possible to qualify himself to become a polished
shaft in the hands of the Almighty. In the preaching of the
gospel to the nations. I look upon him as one of my most
promising elders, I intend changing him after a little while
to the Conference, which will extend his experience
and give him more extended ideas in regard to men & things.
Young are gems in the field if they only get a
proper send off. We see by the papers that old satan is very
active. He no doubt got a little set back however on the 4th of
November. It is a little singular that a fellow who hath Republican
tendencies should be inclined to shout hurah when a Democrat
comes with power, not that I expect any particular changes
from the efforts of the new man, but while the devil is stopping
to spit on his hands the Kingdom of God is gaining strength
You no doubt had an excellent time at Conference and taht
the Lord wsa with you in poewr all the brethren testify who
speak of being there. I have 3 elders in the mission who
have been out over two years I shall release them to return home
sometime during the winter. My health and spirits are first
class I have overtaxed my eyes a little with study, but they will
be all right when they have a little rest Give my Kind regards
to all the brethren and accept a share yourself.
I am your fellow laborer in the vineyard of our Lord