every mans mission successful, by persuading them to remain
at their post, faithful and true. this can be done in most
instances, but occasionally it is impossible to revive men.
Your suggestion in regard to outdoor preaching, had already
put into practice by warning the elders to keep watch upon
each other, and to give advice, when either was taking hurt,
from over exertion on the score named. When elders get off
to themselves, they are sometimes filled with Zeal and injure
themselves without anyone knowing that they are in the
least taking hurt. I have very little faith in the outdoor
preaching as to the good that will result therefrom. All
we can accomplish by it is warning the people. In the
past 2 Years I believe but 2 persons have come forward
and received the ordinances of the gospel as the result
of the outdoor work so far as I can learn. And it is a gran
question in my mind, whether we aint doing more harm
to our Elders by keeping them in this labor, than we are doing
good to the human family by warning them in this man
ner. I have however felt to crowd the brethren to this work,
as the only means by which they could get an experience
in public speaking, and bring out within them full faith
and a reliance upon God, for no extremely timid man
can stand the racket, and face these crowds of people
and testify to the mission of . It requires
iron nerves and iron wills. Some of the Conferences in
are becoming very thinly populated, Conference,
has left in it, only about 30 active members. The
Conference which takes in , and several other counties
is said to only furnish 4 beds to the elders without paying
for them. The Conference is nearly in the same fix's
In these conferences where there are but few people I have
crowded the elders out, so that they might open make openings
where the gospel has not been preached for some years to
any great extent, they dont however meet with any great
success, and report that they are either compelld their
their beds, buy their food, or remain out in the weather,
and suffer from hunger, portions of other conferences of
the mission continue to do pretty well in furnishing places
to sleep and something to eat for the elders, but the day
seem to be gone by, when the saints take any responsibility
in aiding to clothe them, other portions of these conferences
seem to be barren and fruitless. At the present time, trade
is very bad, in ^all^ the Ship building sections of the country
thousands of men are out of employment, and as a
result of this, great distress, is felt in their families
every mans mission successful, by persuadaing them to remain
at their post, faithful and true, this can be done in most
instances, but occasionally it is impossible to rescue men.
Your suggestion in regard to outdoor preaching, had already
put into practice by warning the elders to keep watch upon
each other and to give advice when either was taking hurt,
from over exertion on the score named. When elders get off
to themselves, they are sometimes filled with Zeal and injure
themselves without anyone Knowing that they are in the
least taking hurt. I have very little faith in the outdoor
preaching as to the good that will result therefrom. All
we can accomplish by it so warning the people. In the
past 2 Years I believe but 2 persons have come forward
and received the admonices of the gospel as the result
of the outdoor work so far as I can learn. And is is a great
question in my mind, whether we aint doing more harm
to our Elders by keeping them in this labor, than we are doing
good to the human family by warning them in this manner. I have however felt to crowd the brethren to this work,
as the only means by which they could get an experience
in public speaking, and bring out within them full faith
and a reliance upon God, for no extremely timid man
can stand the racket, and face these crowds of people
and testify to the mission of . It requires
iron nerves and iron wills. Some of the Conferences in
are becoming very thinly populated, Conference
has left it it, only about 30 active members. The
Conference which takes in , and several other counties
is said to only furnish 4 beds to the elders without paying
for them. The Conference is nearly in the same fox's
In these conferences where there are but few people I have
crowded the elders out, so that they might make openings
where the gospel has not been preached for some years to
any great extent, they dont however meet with any great
success, and report that they are either compelld to have
their beds, buy their food, or remain out in the weather,
and suffer from hunger, portions of other conferences of
the mission continue to do pretty well in furnishing places
to sleep and something to eat for the elders, but the day
seem to be gone by, when the saints take any responsibility
in aiding to clothe them, other portions of these conferences
seem to be barren and fruitless. At the present time, trade
is very bad, in all the Ship building sectiosn of the country
thousands of men ar out of employment, and as a
restult of this, great distress, is felt in their families