Dec 17, 1886 I wrote Letters to Jaques, Asahel, Owen Blanch and Phebe A Snow. We received Letters
from Jaques Clara and Blanch I received a [letter]
from Oliver Shelby Covington Fountain Co Ind [and]
containing a present of a splendid crimson
silk Hankerchief A telegram informed us
that Marshal Thompson shot EdwardDalton
at Parawan Dead while sitting upon his horse
He was arested & the Grand Jury & 50 Men
at Beaver went to Parawan to take him
out of the hands of the sheriff on a Habus Corpus
~ Saturday
18 with EmmaThompson & wife we rode to Atkins
visited the pond Thompson shot 2 ducks & 1 Rabbit I
shot 5 quails atin one shot all the game I got we returned
at night weary I receivd 2 letters from B Young and Lot Smith Daggs the great sheep Man
of San Francis Mountains and his herder a stout
Englishman undertook to kill Lot Smith But Lot got
the first shot cut off one of the fingers of the Englishman
and stove his gun to peaces so he could not shoot, they
then beged for quarters and the fight stoped
~ Sunday
19. Sunday I wrote 3 Letters to Jaques, Lot Smith, and Asahel I sent a copy of Lots Letter to Jaques and
part of it to Asahel I gave Lot some advice
~ Monday
20th We received a Letter from Nellie & wrote
^3^ 1 Letter to Nellie & 1 to Henry and 1 to Clara and Blanch 21 I spent the day reading I went to the Temple in the Evening 22I spent with Emma She got 2 Anointing for her Mother ^Martishia^ Smith
~ Friday
Dec 17, 1886
FIGURES I wrote Letters to Jaques, Asahel, OwenBlanch and Phebe A Snow. We received Letters
from Jaques Clara and Blanch I received a letter
from Oliver Shelby Covington Fountain Co Ind and
containing a present of a splendid crimson
silk Hankerchief A telegram informed us
that Marshal Thompson shot EdwardDalton
at Parawan Dead while sitting upon his horse
He was arested & the Grand Jury & 50 Men
at Beaver went to Parawan to take him
out of the hands of the sheriff on a Habus Corpus
~ Saturday
18 with EmmaThompson & wife we rode to Atkins
visited the pond Thompson shot 2 ducks & 1 Rabbit I
shot 5 quailsin one shot all the game I got we returned
at night weary I receivd 2 letters from B Young
FIGURES and Lot Smith Daggs the great sheep Man
of San Francis Mountains and his herder a stout
Englishman undertook to kill Lot Smith But Lot got
the first shot cut off one of the fingers of the Englishman
and stove his gun to peaces so he could not shoot, they
then beged for quarters and the fight stoped
~ Sunday
19. Sunday I wrote 3 Letters to Jaques, Lot Smith, and
[FIGURE]Asahel I sent a copy of Lots Letter to Jaques and
part of it to Asahel I gave Lot some advice
~ Monday
20th FIGURES We received a Letter from Nellie & wrote
3 1 Letter to Nellie & 1 to Henry and 1 to Clara and Blanch
I spent the day reading I went to the Temple in the Evening
with Emma She got 2 Anointing for her Mother Martishia Smith
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," December 17, 1886 - December 20, 1886, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025,