Tuesday April 23rd 1889
Brother Cannon and Brother Clawson and myself
met MrW. W. Stow at the Grand Hotel this morning at
10 o'clock. We had a very interesting conversation
with him. he arranged for us to have an interview
with the Southern Pacific people tomorrow morning,
At 2 o'clock we had an interview with Hon. M.
M. Estee, who presided at the late Republican con-
vention at Chicago, at which President B. Harrison
was nominated for President of the U.S. We had a long
and interesting conversation with him. He has had
his interest awakened on our question through
Col. Isaac Trumbo, and feels very kindly disposed,
and desirous to do us good. We had an appointment
this evening to dine with MrAlexr Badlam at 6 o'clock,
at his house. Mr Badlams house is palatial in its exter-
nal appearance and in its internal fittings up. It
is most elegantly furnished and has one of the finest
collections of paintings to be found in the city. His paint-
ings are estimated at eighty thousand dollars. There
is one vary celebrated painting in his dining-room
called the "Holland Fish-Market." this painting brought
$18,500.00. It afterwards fell into the possession of Samuel Brannan, who is an uncle of Mr Badlams,
for $12,000.00 Mr Badlam bought it from Mr. Brannan
The family consists of Mr & MrsBadlam, two sons, "Alx"
and "Edgar," and a daughter named "Maud." We were
received with great cordiality, and everything
~ Tuesday
Tuesday April 23rd 1889
Brother Cannon and Brother Clawson and myself
met MrW. W. Stow at the Grand Hotel this morning at
10 o'clock. We had a very interesting conversation
with him. he arranged for us to have an interview
with the Southern Pacific people tomorrow morning,
At 2 o'clock we had an interview with Hon. M.
M. Estee, who presided at the late Republican convention at Chicago, at which President B. Harrison
was nominated for President of the U.S. We had a long
and interesting conversation with him. He has had
his interest awakened on our question through
Col. Isaac Trumbo, and feels very kindly disposed,
and desirous to do us good. We had an appointment
this evening to dine with MrAlexr Badlam at 6 o'clock,
at his house. Mr Badlams house is palatial in its external appearance and in its internal fittings up. It
is most elegantly furnished and has one of the finest
collections of paintings to be found in the city. His paintings are estimated at eighty thousand dollars. There
is one vary celebrated painting in his dining-room
called the "Holland Fish-Market." this painting brought
$18,500.00. It afterwards fell into the possession of
Samuel Brannan, who is an uncle of Mr Badlams,
for $12,000.00 Mr Badlam bought it from Mr. Brannan
The family consists of Mr & MrsBadlam, two sons, "Alx"
and "Edgar," and a daughter named "Maud." We were
received with great cordiality, and everything
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," April 23, 1889, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 9, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Br5J