May 24th 1886
We had a terrible day we went up Daniels Can-
yon 10 Miles we had a Dangerous road we got our
team & waggon into a bad mud Hole came near crip-
pling then we finally pitched our tent in Cleggs
Canyon and spent the night 10 mils
~ Tuesday
25Asahel & the children went up the canyon
1 1/4 miles to a snow slide I went fishing & caught
4 trout
~ Wednesday
26 I caught 6 trout Asahel brought up our last
Load of Freight from Heber City
~ Thursday
27 I caught 6 trout Asahel went up to the Mill
with 1000 lbs freight
~ Friday
278 I spent the day in camp
~ Saturday
29 We struck our tent & moved up to Foreman Mill
^^ & occupied a Room By ourselves I received 3 Letter from ForemanJaques & Sylvia
~ Sunday
30 {Sunday} we took a Buggy ride to pick out a camp on the Strawbury we found the stream vary high we met a hard rain
& Hail storm we got wet & chilled
June 1. I wrote 1 Letter to Jaques I rode into Strawbury
valley to look out a camp ground I was quite poorly at
night hard work to Breath in the High Altitude
May 24th 1886
We had a terrible day we went up Daniels Canyon 10 Miles we had a Dangerous road we got our
team & waggon into a bad mud Hole came near crippling then we finally pitched our tent in Cleggs
Canyon and spent the night 10 mils
~ Tuesday
25Asahel & the children went up the canyon
1 1/4 miles to a snow slide I went fishing & caught
4 trout
~ Wednesday
26 I caught 6 trout Asahel brought up our last
Load of Freight from Heber City
~ Thursday
27 I caught 6 trout Asahel went up to the Mill
with 1000 lbs freight
~ Friday
28 I spent the day in camp
~ Saturday
29 We struck our tent & moved up to Foreman Mill
[FIGURE] & occupied a Room By ourselves I received 3 Letter from
ForemanJaques & Sylvia
~ Sunday
30 {Sunday} we took a Buggy ride to pick out a camp on the
Strawbury we found the stream vary high we met a hard rain
& Hail storm we got wet & chilled
June 1. [FIGURE] I wrote 1 Letter to Jaques I rode into Strawbury
valley to look out a camp ground I was quite poorly at
night hard work to Breath in the High Altitude
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," May 24, 1886 - June 2, 1886, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,