our tents and getting wet, while our
enemies had holes made in their
hats and otherwise received damage
such as the breaking of their rifle-
stocks and the fleeing of their horses
through fear and pain. Many of my little band received shelter in an
old meeting house through this night.
In the morning the water in Big
Fishing River was about forty feet deep
where the previous evening it was no
more than to our ankles: and our
enemies swore that the water rose thirty
feet in thirty minutes in the Little Fish-
ing River.
They reported that one of their men
was killed by lightning, and that ano-
ther had his hand torn off by his
horse drawing his hand between the
logs of a corn crib while he was
holding him from the inside; and
they declared "If that was the way
God fought for the God damned Mor-
mons, they might as well go home
about their business."
~ Friday
Friday 20th. This morning I coun-
selled the brethren to discharge all their
fire arms, when it was found we
our tents and getting wet, while our
enemies had holes made in their
hats and otherwise received damage
such as the breaking of their riflestocks and the fleeing of their horses
through fear and pain. Many of
my little band received shelter in an
old meeting house through this night.
In the morning the water in Big
Fishing River was about forty feet deep
where the previous evening it was no
more than to our ankles: and our
enemies swore that the water rose thirty
feet in thirty minutes in the Little Fishing River.
They reported that one of their men
was killed by lightning, and that another had his hand torn off by his
horse drawing his hand between the
logs of a corn crib while he was
holding him from the inside; and
they declared "If that was the way
God fought for the God damned Mormons, they might as well go home
about their business."
~ Friday
Friday 20th. This morning I counselled the brethren to discharge all their
fire arms, when it was found we
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