had near six hundred shots, very few
of which missed fire, which shows how
very careful the brethren had been in
taking care of their arms during the
storm. We went five miles on the prai-
rie where we could procure food for
ourselves and horses, and defend our-
selves from the rage of our enemies.
~ Saturday
While in this situation, on Saturday, 21st,
Col. Sconce with two other leading men
from Ray County came to see us desiring
to know what our intentions were; "for"
says he, "I see that there is an al-
mighty power that protects this people;
for I started from Richmond, Ray Coun-
ty, with a company of armed men
having a fixed determination to destroy
you; but was kept back by the storm
and was not able to reach you." When
he entered our camp he was seized with
such a trembling that he was obliged
to sit down to compose himself; and
when he had made known the ob-
ject of their visit, I arose and address-
ing them gave a relation of the suf-
ferings of the Saints in Jackson Coun-
ty, and also of our persecutions gener-
ally, and what we had suffered
had near six hundred shots, very few
of which missed fire, which shows how
very careful the brethren had been in
taking care of their arms during the
storm. We went five miles on the prairie where we could procure food for
ourselves and horses, and defend ourselves from the rage of our enemies.
~ Saturday
While in this situation, on Saturday, 21st,
Col. Sconce with two other leading men
from Ray County came to see us desiring
to know what our intentions were; "for"
says he, "I see that there is an almighty power that protects this people;
for I started from Richmond, Ray County, with a company of armed men
having a fixed determination to destroy
you; but was kept back by the storm
and was not able to reach you." When
he entered our camp he was seized with
such a trembling that he was obliged
to sit down to compose himself; and
when he had made known the object of their visit, I arose and addressing them gave a relation of the sufferings of the Saints in Jackson County, and also of our persecutions generally, and what we had suffered
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