I sent Hiram Page with instructions to bring
Jesse J. Smith and Geo. A. Smith to me at all
hazards to the west part of the country, having
had intimations that they were sick, he found
that Jesse had been severely racked with the
cholera all day, Geo. A. Smith had taken care
of him for upwards of thirty hours. Dr. Wil-
liams decided that the cholera had left him
and would recover if not moved, on the
morning of the , Geo. A. Smith was attack-
I sent Hiram Page with instructions to bring
Jesse J. Smith and Geo. A. Smith to me at all
hazards to the west part of the country, having
had intimations that they were sick, he found
that Jesse had been severely racked with the
cholera all day, Geo. A. Smith had taken care
of him for upwards of thirty hours. Dr. Williams decided that the cholera had left him
and would recover if not moved, on the
morning of the , Geo. A. Smith was attack-