and professing to be a most liberal free thinker,
spoke to the people very freely about one hour on
his particular views, his manner and style was
very unassuming, and affable; he was listened
to with great attention; and thoes present remarked
that he was one of the greatest reasoners they ever
heard. The free thinker was followed by , who delivered a very elegant dis-
course on practical piety. Elder
spoke on the principles of free salvation, follow-
ed by Elder who set forth
baptism as nessary for salvation. After a
few moments resess, at two oclock P.M. the
trumpet again sounded, and a large
congregation from and surrounding
country appeared again in the grove, many
of whom expressed a desire to hear that man again. So called Br. Joseph
Young into my tent, and told him to
preach an animated sermon on free grace, and
told him he should have the spirit. I then
went to , and said to him,
"I understand Mr. Lyman that you ar a
." "Yes" said he "I believe in that
doctrin" 'Well' said I, "I wish you whould
make a few remarks to the people on that subject,
after Mr. Young has done. I also sent for elder
and professing to be a most liberal free thinker,
spoke to the people very freely about one hour on
his particular views, his manner and style was
very unassuming, and affable; he was listened
to with great attention; and thoes present remarked
that he was one of the greatest reasoners they ever
heard. The free thinker was followed by , who delivered a very elegant discourse on practical piety. Elder
spoke on the principles of free salvation, followed by Elder who set forth
baptism as nessary for salvation. After a
few moments resess, at two oclock P.M. the
trumpet again sounded, and a large
congregation from and surrounding
country appeared again in the grove, many
of whom expressed a desire to hear that methodist man again. So called Br. Joseph
Young into my tent, and told him to
preach an animated sermon on free grace, and
told him he should have the spirit. I then
went to , and said to him,
"I understand Mr. Lyman that you ar a
Prespetarian." "Yes" said he "I believe in that
doctrin" 'Well' said I, "I wish you whould
make a few remarks to the people on that subject,
after Mr. Young has done. I also sent for elder