, and said to him, When these
brotherin get through speaking to the people
wish you to make a few remarks reasoning
on the importance of a union of all the differant
sects, and denominations. These brotherin
complied with my request, and the cong-
gregation was also eddefied by elder on baptism for the remission of sins,
by exhorting the people to
obey the gospel, and gave a
powerful exortation. After the services of the
day were closed, many strangers made
remarks on the preaching they had heard,
they though[t] was a methodist
and were anxious he should stay in that
country and preach. They supposed was a close communion baptist,
Orson Hyde a , or reformed baptist,
a , Lyman a presbytarian, Orson Pratt
a and inquired very carefully
if we all belonged to one denomination, the
brotherin replied some of us were meathodists,
some baptists, some campbelites, resirectionests ect,.
At the close of the meeting the was
administered and professing christians of
every denomination were invited to pertake,
, and said to him, When these
brotherin get through speaking to the people
wish you to make a few remarks reasoning
on the importance of a union of all the differant
sects, and denominations. These brotherin
complied with my request, and the conggregation was also eddefied by elder on baptism for the remission of sins,
by exhorting the people to
obey the gospel, and gave a
powerful exortation. After the services of the
day were closed, many strangers made
remarks on the preaching they had heard,
they thought was a methodist
and were anxious he should stay in that
country and preach. They supposed was a close communion baptist,
Orson Hyde a camblite, or reformed baptist,
a presbytarian, Lyman a presbytarian, Orson Pratt
a universalest and inquired very carefully
if we all belonged to one denomination, the
brotherin replied some of us were meathodists,
some baptists, some campbelites, resirectionests ect,.
At the close of the meeting the sacrement was
administered and professing christians of
every denomination were invited to pertake,