advanced yesterday from their encamp-
ment beyond to ,
where their tents are again pitched. But
feeling disposed to adopt every pacific
measure that can be done without
jeopardizing our lives, to quiet the pre-
judices and fears of some part of the
citizens of this county, we have conclu-
ded that our company shall be imme-
diately dispersed, and continue so till
every effort for an adjustment of dif-
ferences between us and the people of
has been made on our part,
that would in any wise be required
of us by disinterested men of republican
I am respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
N. B.—You are now corresponding with
the , (as I am informed;) will
you do us the favor to acquaint him
of our efforts for a compromise. This in-
formation we want conveyed to the gove-
nor, inasmuch as his ears are stifled
with reports from Jackson, of our hostile
intentions, &c
advanced yesterday from their encampment beyond to ,
where their tents are again pitched. But
feeling disposed to adopt every pacific
measure that can be done without
jeopardizing our lives, to quiet the prejudices and fears of some part of the
citizens of this county, we have concluded that our company shall be immediately dispersed, and continue so till
every effort for an adjustment of differences between us and the people of
has been made on our part,
that would in any wise be required
of us by disinterested men of republican
I am respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
N. B.—You are now corresponding with
the , (as I am informed;) will
you do us the favor to acquaint him
of our efforts for a compromise. This information we want conveyed to the govenor, inasmuch as his ears are stifled
with reports from Jackson, of our hostile
intentions, &c