left in company with
and two other brethren for
the western part of . While
traveling we called at the house of Mr.
for a drink of water. The woman
of the house shouted from the door that
they had no water for Mormons—that
they were afraid of the Cholera &c; at
the same time throwing out her arms
as if defending herself from the cholera
in the form of a personage. We turned
and departed according to the command-
ment, and before a week had passed
the cholera entered that house and that
woman and three others of the family
were dead.
When the cholera made its appearance,
Elder was one of the first
who stepped forward to rebuke it, and
upon this was instantly seized, and be-
came the first victim in the camp. He
died about 6 o'clock in the afternoon; and
died in about thirty min-
utes after. (and died about
the same moment although half a mile
distant; he was buried by ,
and two or three others;
while burying him Jesse Smith was
left in company with
and two other brethren for
the western part of . While
traveling we called at the house of Mr.
Moss for a drink of water. The woman
of the house shouted from the door that
they had no water for Mormons—that
they were afraid of the Cholera &c; at
the same time throwing out her arms
as if defending herself from the cholera
in the form of a personage. We turned
and departed according to the commandment, and before a week had passed
the cholera entered that house and that
woman and three others of the family
were dead.
When the cholera made its appearance,
Elder was one of the first
who stepped forward to rebuke it, and
upon this was instantly seized, and became the first victim in the camp. He
died about 6 o'clock in the afternoon; and
died in about thirty minutes after. (and died about
the same moment although half a mile
distant; he was buried by ,
and two or three others;
while burying him Jesse Smith was