Your second order for the restoration of
our arms was received last mail; we have
not yet done any thing with it. Hoping
that the influence of the inhabitants of Jack-
son County will materially lessen in the
surrounding counties and the pepoople be-
come more tranquil, we think it wisdom
to defer petitioning for a guard while
there exists a hope of a compromise, &c.
We believe that the President would ren-
der us assistance in obtaining possession of
our lands if aided by the executive of this Stakte in a petition, and thereby put an
end to serious evils that are growing
out of the Jackson outrage. In a letter from
your Excellency of , we had a word
on the subject of petitioning.
We should be pleased to hear further, and
would here observe that no communication
from the Executive, giving his opinion or ad-
vice, will be made public if requested not to
do so. We are Respectfully and with great
regard your Obt. Servants,
The drafting and signing of the above
was the last public act of that keeper of the
Your second order for the restoration of
our arms was received last mail; we have
not yet done any thing with it. Hoping
that the influence of the inhabitants of Jackson County will materially lessen in the
surrounding counties and the people become more tranquil, we think it wisdom
to defer petitioning for a guard while
there exists a hope of a compromise, &c.
We believe that the President would render us assistance in obtaining possession of
our lands if aided by the executive of this
State in a petition, and thereby put an
end to serious evils that are growing
out of the Jackson outrage. In a letter from
your Excellency of , we had a word
on the subject of petitioning.
We should be pleased to hear further, and
would here observe that no communication
from the Executive, giving his opinion or advice, will be made public if requested not to
do so. We are Respectfully and with great
regard your Obt. Servants,