ceived from .
If we fail in this attempt, we
intend to make another effort and go
all lengths that would be required by
human or divine law. As our propo-
sals and correspondence with the inha-
bitants of Jackson, will doubtless hereafter
be published, we think it unnecessary to
detail the same in this communication.
Our right to our soil in Jackson County
we shall forever claim, and to obtain
peaceful possession we are willing to
make great sacrifices. To allay excite-
ment in the county, the aforesaid com-
pany of emigrants have dispersed to
await the final end of all negotia-
tions that can be made with the said
county of Jackson.
Within the last week one of our
men being near the ferry, was seized
by some Jackson citizens, while in this
county, threatened with death if he
made resistance, and carried over the
river, prisoner to , where
he was put under guard one day,
and after hearing many threats, was
liberated. The houses of several of our
ceived from .
If we fail in this attempt, we
intend to make another effort and go
all lengths that would be required by
human or divine law. As our proposals and correspondence with the inhabitants of Jackson, will doubtless hereafter
be published, we think it unnecessary to
detail the same in this communication.
Our right to our soil in Jackson County
we shall forever claim, and to obtain
peaceful possession we are willing to
make great sacrifices. To allay excitement in the county, the aforesaid company of emigrants have dispersed to
await the final end of all negotiations that can be made with the said
county of Jackson.
Within the last week one of our
men being near the ferry, was seized
by some Jackson citizens, while in this
county, threatened with death if he
made resistance, and carried over the
river, prisoner to , where
he was put under guard one day,
and after hearing many threats, was
liberated. The houses of several of our