possess humane and republican feelings,
our people were rejoiced at the opportu-
nity of an interchange of feelings, and
an open and frank avowal of all
their views and intentions in emigra-
ting to this country with their arms. A
full explanation having been given in a
public address by our brother , which produced great satisfaction, the
same in substance was afterwards re-
duced in writing, and handed to the
aforesaid gentlemen, that it might be
made public, as the shedding of blood
is, and ever has been, foreign and
revolting to our feelings. For this reason,
we have patiently endured the greatest
indignities that freemen of this republic
have ever been called to suffer; and
we still continue to bear with heart-rend-
ings a deprivation of our rights, have
commenced negociations with the inhab-
itants of for a compromise; where-
in proposals on our part have been
made, which have been acknowledged
by every disinterested man to be highly
honorable and liberal. An answer to
our propositions has not yet been re-
possess humane and republican feelings,
our people were rejoiced at the opportunity of an interchange of feelings, and
an open and frank avowal of all
their views and intentions in emigrating to this country with their arms. A
full explanation having been given in a
public address by our brother , which produced great satisfaction, the
same in substance was afterwards reduced in writing, and handed to the
aforesaid gentlemen, that it might be
made public, as the shedding of blood
is, and ever has been, foreign and
revolting to our feelings. For this reason,
we have patiently endured the greatest
indignities that freemen of this republic
have ever been called to suffer; and
we still continue to bear with heart-rendings a deprivation of our rights, have
commenced negociations with the inhabitants of for a compromise; wherein proposals on our part have been
made, which have been acknowledged
by every disinterested man to be highly
honorable and liberal. An answer to
our propositions has not yet been re-