where the eagles, buzzards, ravens, crows and animals
ate his flesh from his bones, to fulfill his own
words, and left him a horriable looking skeleton
of God's vengeance which was discovered
about three weeks after by one Mr. Purtle. Owens saved his life only after floating
four miles down stream where he lod-
ged upon an island, swam off to
shore, walked about daylight through
a field of settles, borrowed a mantle
from a woman to hide his shame
and slipped home rather shy of the
vengeance of God
~ Tuesday
Tuesday 17th. At noon we crossed the Wacondah; it being high we had to be
ferried over. We were informed here that
a party of men were gathering togeth-
er on the Missouri River with the in-
tention of attacking us that night. The
prairie ahead of us was twenty-three
miles long without any timber or pal-
atable wholesome water. Some of the
brethren wished to stop near the timber
and were about making arrangements
to pitch their tents. We had but little
provisions; I proposed to get some wood
and water to carry with us and go on
where the eagles, buzzards, ravens, crows and animals
ate his flesh from his bones, to fulfill his own
words, and left him a horriable looking skeleton
of God's vengeance which was discovered
about three weeks after by one Mr. Purtle.
Owens saved his life only after floating
four miles down stream where he lodged upon an island, swam off to
shore, walked about daylight through
a field of settles, borrowed a mantle
from a woman to hide his shame
and slipped home rather shy of the
vengeance of God
~ Tuesday
Tuesday 17th. At noon we crossed the
Wacondah; it being high we had to be
ferried over. We were informed here that
a party of men were gathering together on the Missouri River with the intention of attacking us that night. The
prairie ahead of us was twenty-three
miles long without any timber or palatable wholesome water. Some of the
brethren wished to stop near the timber
and were about making arrangements
to pitch their tents. We had but little
provisions; I proposed to get some wood
and water to carry with us and go on
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