to the Saints in offering to buy their lands at
one hundred percent in thirty days and offering
their`s on the same terms, but when it is understood
that the mob held possession of a much larger quantity
of land than the Saints and that they only offered
thirty days for the payment having previously rob[b]ed
them of nearly every thing that they had, it whould
be readily seen that they were only making a sham
to cover their previous unlawful conduct, but the
tempest of an immediate conflict seemed to be checked
and the Mob to the number of about fifteen
with and ,
at their head started for Jackson
County to raise an army sufficient to meet me
before I could get into . Campbell
swore as he adjusted his pistols in his holsters, "The
Eagles and Turkey buzzards shall eat my flesh if I
do not fire and his army so that their
skin will not hold shucks before two days are passed.
They went to the ferry and undertook to cross the
after dark and the Angel of God
saw fit to sink the boat about the middle of the
river, and seven out of twelve that attempted to cross
were drowned. Thus suddenly and justly went
to their own place by water. Campbell was among
the missing he floated down the river some four or
five miles, and lodged upon a pile of drift wood
to the Saints in offering to buy their lands at
one hundred percent in thirty days and offering
theirs on the same terms, but when it is understood
that the mob held possession of a much larger quantity
of land than the Saints and that they only offered
thirty days for the payment having previously robbed
them of nearly every thing that they had, it whould
be readily seen that they were only making a sham
to cover their previous unlawful conduct, but the
tempest of an immediate conflict seemed to be checked
and the Mob to the number of about fifteen
with and ,
at their head started for Jackson
County to raise an army sufficient to meet me
before I could get into . Campbell
swore as he adjusted his pistols in his holsters, "The
Eagles and Turkey buzzards shall eat my flesh if I
do not fire and his army so that their
skin will not hold shucks before two days are passed.
They went to the ferry and undertook to cross the
after dark and the Angel of God
saw fit to sink the boat about the middle of the
river, and seven out of twelve that attempted to cross
were drowned. Thus suddenly and justly went
to their own place by water. Campbell was among
the missing he floated down the river some four or
five miles, and lodged upon a pile of drift wood