promised unto us. I have no fears
myself with regard to the outcome
and final triumph of the kingdom of
God, of the Zion of God, of the Church
of God, of the Saints of God. The
Lord has already gathered many thou-
sands to these valleys of the moun-
tains, in fulfillment of His promises.
Now, brethren and sisters, let us
be thoughtful while in the flesh, and
seek to magnify our calling. Let our
hearts be set on the building up of
the kingdom of God, and none shall
fail. With regard to those who may
address us during this Conference, I
hope that they may all have our
prayers, that they may be inspired
by the Spirit of God, and preach only
those things which are true and faith-
May God bless us, and pour out His
Spirit upon us, that we may have a
good time at this Conference. May
we enjoy that Spirit, may our hearts
be united together, and may we re-
joice in those principles which have
been revealed for the comfort, salva-
tion, and eternal life of the children
of men.
promised unto us. I have no fears
myself with regard to the outcome
and final triumph of the kingdom of
God, of the Zion of God, of the Church
of God, of the Saints of God. The
Lord has already gathered many thousands to these valleys of the mountains, in fulfillment of His promises.
Now, brethren and sisters, let us
be thoughtful while in the flesh, and
seek to magnify our calling. Let our
hearts be set on the building up of
the kingdom of God, and none shall
fail. With regard to those who may
address us during this Conference, I
hope that they may all have our
prayers, that they may be inspired
by the Spirit of God, and preach only
those things which are true and faithful.
May God bless us and pour out His
Spirit upon us, that we may have a
good time at this Conference. May
we enjoy that Spirit, may our hearts
be united together, and may we rejoice in those principles which have
been revealed for the comfort, salvation, and eternal life of the children
of men.