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Collection Name The Salt Lake Tribune
Collection Description The Mormon Tribune newspaper was founded in 1868 as an alternative to the Deseret News. In 1869 the name was changed to the Salt Lake Daily Tribune and Utah Mining Gazette, then The Salt Lake Tribune.
Collection Number The Salt Lake Tribune | April 5, 1890
Collection Box Volume 38
Collection Folder Number 152
Collection Page 5
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Joseph Smith (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844


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The Lord Himself has stretched forth His hand to establish this Church, His king- dom, His work, His Zion, the gather- ing together of His people in fulfill- ment of the revelations of God which have been given to the inhabitants of the earth since the foundation of the world--since the day of the old Patri- arch, Father Adam, was brought forth, and placed in the Garden of Eden. From that day until now His work has been performed by the in- spiration of Almighty God, and not by the power of man.
~ Wilford Woodruff
We have no power in ourselves. We never have had in the guidance and direction of this kingdom, only through the interposition of Almighty God. I have never read anywhere, that I know of, of the same power manifested in any dispensation to the children of men, which was mani- fested to the Prophet of God in the organization of this Church, when the Father and the Son both appeared to the Prophet Joseph in answer to his prayer, and when the Father said, "This is my Beloved Son; behold Him; hear ye Him." This was an important revelation, which has never been manifested in the same manner in any dispensation of the world, that God has given concerning His work. So in its organization, the Prophet of God was administered to by the angels of heaven. They were his teachers, they were his instructors, and all that he did, and all that he performed from the commencement, from that day to the day of his mar- tyrdom, was by the revelation of Jesus Christ. We ought to under- stand this, and, as a people, have faith in God, in His revelations, in His promises. We should look forth for the fulfilment of these pro- mises unto us in the day and genera- tion in which we live. They will be fulfilled. The Lord is at work. He has set His hand to accomplish the great dispensation of which all the patriarchs and prophets have spoken since the world began. Therefore let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe in Jesus Christ, be- lieve in the Gospel which has been preached unto us, and keep and ful- fill the commandments of God; then all will be right. The Lord will not fail the Latter-day Saints; He will not fail in His work, in the gathering of His people; He will not fail the seed of Abraham; He will not fail the seed of Judah. They will be gathered home to Jerusalem, their holy place. They will receive their city and Tem- ple, and be prepared for the coming of their King.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I have no fears myself with regard to the outcome and final triumph of the kingdom of God, of the Zion of God, of the Church of God, of the Saints of God. The Lord has already gathered many thou- sands to these valleys of the moun- tains, in fulfillment of His promises.
~ Wilford Woodruff