while meditating uppon the glorious deeds performed by our forefathers
we do not pretend to advance the argument that they were performed
without the assistance of higher power than man, as the amancipation
of America has been accomplished, no one of decided virtue will
but admit that it was perfected by the hand of a ever ruling providence
who of us can cherish the imaginary idea but that the small monster
of europeans would not have been crushed by the wanton savage
or driven like chaff before the wind by the disciplined armies that
were [illegible] to this continent for the sole purpose of subduing
them had they not been supported protected & upheld by the governance
of the univers theirfore let us live with a realizing sens of the privledges
& blessings which we share & while we are partaking of these gifts may our
harts be raesed in thanksgiving to God that he has seen fit to give
us a birth in such an enlightened part of the globe & may our
time be so spent & our talents so improved that when we have done with
lives & sense & mortal puts an immortality that we may have a
happy enterence in to courts of that being who ocupies a more
elevated station than mankind
[sideways text] Willford.
[end of sideways text]
while meditating uppon the glorious deeds performed by our forefathers
we do not pretend to advance the argument that they were performed
with out the assistance of higher powers. How man as the amancipation
of America has been accomplished, no one of decided virtue will
but admit that it was perfected by the hand of a ever ruling providence
who of us can charish the imaginary idea that the small monster
of europeans would not have been encrusted by the monster savage
or driven like shaff before the wind by the disciplined armies that
were emugrited to this continent for the sole purpose of subdoing
them had they not been supported protected & upheld by the governance
of the univers Theirfore let us live with a realizing sens of the privledges
& blessings which we share & while we are partaking of these gifts may our
hearts be raesed in thanksgiving to God that he has seen fit to give
us a birth in such an enlightened part of the Globe & may our
time be so spent & our talents so improved that when we have done with
lives & sense & mortal puts an inmortality that we may have a
happy entrence in to covnts of that being who ocupies a more
elevated station than mankind
sideways textWillford end of sideways text
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