Where in the course of human events have we ever witnessed a more interesting
society of mortals than is here presented to our view it is the glorious motives
that caused the assembly of these patriots that endowed the scene with
such interest here before us is the portrait of our fore fathers and while
the thoughts of tyranny & oppresssion chilled the blood in their veins
rights & liberty ocipied a seat in their hearts & vibrated this assembly
so powerfully that they all of one heart & one mind like a band of
brothers with an eager hand streached grasp'd this pen & enrolled their
names on a list which at this same time they were not insensible
that if they should be defeated th they were signing their death warrant
but this company of men were not destitute of deep forethrougth & sensibility
they were men that highly prised the priviledges liberty & happiness
of America & their our ancestors with one accord trusting to the protecttion
of Allmighty God pledged their fortunes libertyies & lives to maintain
the liberties which we now enjoy & by the help of God they suceeded in this undertaking
& to the astonishment of the world accomplished the emancipation of America
this company of enterpriszing men accomplished some of the greater deedes
that ever was recorded considering what they had to encounter, inexperience
had to contend with dissipline poverty with wealth loss of charters one
abridgement of liberty after another, still indulging the feelings & adopting
the languag of Affection untill patriotism & religion bid them rise
& they did and arise and secure to America those rights & privledges
which the God of nati[o]ns designed for all his national asspirings
but whare now are those noble men that turned the wheels of American independence
we hope & trust their names are enrolled on that golden list of everlasting life
& their immortal spirits in that society whose glory will never tarnish
but will grow brighter & brighter long after after the sphears of
natins stand still.) by a well wisher to liberty & freedom
Where in the course of human events have we ever witnessed a more interesting
society of mortals than is here presented to our view it is the glorious motives
that caused the assembly of these portraits that endowed the scene with
such interest here before us is the portrait of our fore fathers and while
the thoughts of tyranny & oppresssion chilled the blood in these wars
rights & liberty ocipied a seat in their hearts & vibrated this assembly
so powerfully that they all of one heart & one mind like a band of
brothers with an eager hand grasped this pen & enrolled their
names on a list which at this sane time they were not insensible
that if they should be defeated they were signing their death warrant
but this company of men were not destituted of deep forethrougth & sensibility
they were men that highly prised the priviledges liberty & happiness
of America & their our ancestors with one accord trusting to the protector
of Allmighty God pledged their fortunes libertiyes & lives to maintain
the liberties which we now enjoy & by the help of God they suceeded in this undertaking
& to the astonishment of the world accomplished the emancipation of America
this company of enterprizing men accomplished some of the greater deeds
that ever was recorded considering what they had to encounter in experience
had to contend with dissapline poverty with wealth loss of starters one
abridgement of liberty after another still indulging the feelings & adgusting
the language of affection untill patriotism & religion bid them rise
& they did arise and secure to America those rights & privileges
which the God of nations designed for all his national asspirings
but whare now are those noble men that turned the wheels of American independence
we hope & trust their names are enrolled on that golden list of everlasting life
& their immortal spirits in that society whose glory will never tarnish
but will grow brighter & brighter long after after the spleans of
nations stand still, by a well wisher to liberty & freedom