L. D. S. ,
58-60 E. South Temple Street.
Salt Lake City, Utah, W. W's 189
20, 12, 13/4
One Record containing names,
with baptisms ordinations and of President Wilford Wood-
ruff's dead relatives as officiated
for in .
One Record of .
14, 10 [FIGURE] 2 in
in St. Geo. Temple
L. D. S. ,
58-60 E. South Temple Street.
, Utah, W. W's 189
20 X 20 X 13/4
One Record containing names,
with baptisms Ordinations and Endowments -of- President Wilford Woodruff's dead relatives as officiated
for in .
One Record of Sealings for the
14 X 10 X 2in
in St. Geo. Temple