I thought these were very strange proceedings,
turning to leave, I found that an acquaintance
of mine from was standing at my right
side. This was a surprise to me and I said to
him: "Helloa, Bob, what are you doing here?" his
name being Robert. He said: "I am looking on
like the rest of the people." We turned the corner
and walked along Brigham street until we
arrived at Main street. Then continued south
until Kimball & Lawrence's corner. When we came
to the corner, I saw at once that the soliders and
^civilian^ gentiles were butchering our brethren above
mentioned. It seemed, they had attached the instru-
ments to their bodies and were pumping the
blood out of them, it running into the gutter,
where it froze, until it resembled beef suet in
consistency but in color like blood. The first
man I noticed as being active in butchering was
a gentile. He arose from among those whom he had
slain and the blood was dripping from his fingers ends
and from his coattails as though he had been lifted
out of a pool of blood. I walked along the edge ot the
sidewalk between the dead & the gutter. As I started,
this friend of mine said: "We are Mormons why don't
you kill us?" Which brought a great fear over me,
and I thought of leaving him, for I felt I had not
to look over either my right or left shoulder.
When I came to the other end of the row of dead
bodies, he was also there with me and again said
"We are Mormons, why don't you kill us?"
Another gentile arose from a stooping posture from
I thought these were very strange proceedings,
turning to leave, I found that an acquaintance
of mine from was standing at my right
side. This was a surprise to me and I said to
him: "Helloa, Bob, what are you doing here?" his
name being Robert. He said: "I am looking on
like the rest of the people." We turned the corner
and walked along Brigham street until we
arrived at Main street. Then continued south
until Kimball & Lawrence's corner. When we came
to the corner, I saw at once that the soliders and
civilian gentiles were butchering our brethren above
mentioned. It seemed, they had attached the instruments to their bodies and were pumping the
blood out of them, it running into the gutter,
where it froze, until it resembled beef suet in
consistency but in color like blood. The first
man I noticed as being active in butchering was
a gentile. He arose from among those whom he had
slain and the blood was dripping from his fingers ends
and from his coattails as though he had been lifted
out of a pool of blood. I walked along the edge ot the
sidewalk between the dead & the gutter. As I started,
this friend of mine said: "We are Mormons why don't
you kill us?" Which brought a great fear over me,
and I thought of leaving him, for I felt I had not
to look over either my right or left shoulder.
When I came to the other end of the row of dead
bodies, he was also there with me and again said
"We are Mormons, why don't you kill us?"
Another gentile arose from a stooping posture from