and Saviour to the Earth to
rule and rain in wrighteous
ness but I do not remember
what his language was nor
the exact time he [said] the Saviour
would come but it has left
the impression uppon my
mind that it is close at
hand eaven at our doors.
you have the privolige of
printing the dream and the
Interpretation there of in the Juvenile if you like. if not
please send the Interpretation
to J OwenRoy Utah
and oblige your sister in
the Gospel of Christ
[rest of page blank]
and Saviour to the Earth to
rule and rain in wrighteous
ness but I do not remember
what his language was nor
the exact time he said the Saviour
would come but it has left
the impression uppon my
mind that it is close at
hand eaven at our doors.
you have the privolige of
printing the dream and the
Interpretation there of in the
Juvenile if you like. if not
please send the Interpretation
to J OwenRoy Utah
and oblige your sister in
the Gospel of Christ