I personally superintend their placing without
charge. I would like to furnish one
for the remains of your distinguished
the cost of them varies
according to their weight. I make them
from 400 pounds to 2 Tons in weight
the latter will be 5/8 of an inch in thickness
and will last for thousands of years
being the cheapest and most Enduring
monument that can be Erected to memory
I place them at any time Either at or
any time after the funeral ceremony
now. if this matter should meet with
your approval Iwill be pleased to furnish
photos and all necessary infromation
and if not I hope you will Excuse
the liberty I have taken. but as this
is how Imake alivelihood it will Ihope
be pardonable
Awaiting a reply
I Am Very Respt Yours
[sideways text] O F ^P F^ Cregan Aug 7, [18]87
And Aug 10, [18]89 [end of sideways text]
I personally superintend their placing without
charge. I would like to furnish one
for the remains of your distinguished
the cost of them varies
according to their weight. I make them
from 400 pounds to 2 Tons in weight
the latter will be 5/8 of an inch in thickness
and will last for thousands of years
being the cheapest and most Enduring
monument that can be Erected to memory
I place them at any time Either at or
any time after the funeral ceremony
now. if this matter should meet with
your approval Iwill be pleased to furnish
photos and all necessary information
and if not I hope you will Excuse
the liberty I have taken. but as this
is how Imake alivelihood it will I hope
be pardonable
Awaiting a reply
I Am Very Respt Yours
sideways text P F Cregan Aug 7 1887
And Aug 10 18 end of sideways text