& said: I feel to withdraw my cit[izenship] from the nation. I wo[ul]d never manifest my
feelings in the nation. I will never vote for a P[resident] or a illegible or any one. worry not
the judg[men]ts [a]r[e] sure—the heavens [a]r[e] full of them & as the L[or]d God lives they will be
poured out on this nation, bear it patiently. J. C. came, the Jews rejected their
princ & cruc[ifie]d him. if they [a]r[e] exalted they [h]av[e] got to be exalted by the same Keys
that they [h]av[e] trodden under foot, altho they [h]av[e] killed , they will
[h]av[e] something more to do with him, he will [h]av[e] something to do he will stand there &
judge that p[eo]pl[e] he will judge . Tho he is d[ea]d he lives—he is our
Senator there he is our Rep. there. it is time that the pra[ye]rs of the shd
not be off[ere]d to this nation lest that place where there cries will be heard. let not
your heart faint, the greater your trial & affl[ictio]n &c the greater will be your
exalt[atio]n & bless this p[eo]pl[e]
& said: I feel to withdraw my citizenship from the nation I wod never manifest my
feelings in the nation – I will never vote for a Prophet as a lyarv? or any on. tarry not
the judgts are sure – the heavens are full of them & as the Ld God lives they will be
poured out on this nation – bear it patiently – J. C. came – the Jews rejected their
prince & crucd him – if they are exalted they have got to be exalted by the same Keys
that they have trodden under foot – altho they have killed – they will
have something more to do with him, he will have something to do he will stand there &
judge that people he will judge – Tho he is dead he lives – he is our
Senator there he is our Rep. there – it is time that the prayers of the LDS shd
not be offd to this nation lest that place where there cries will be heard. let not
your heart faint – the greater your trial & affln &c the greater will be your
exaltn – & bless this people