but bec[ause] they [h]av[e] [h]ad a deg[ree] of that li[gh]t & bec[ause] they have seen the hand of God. here
again we [h]av[e] only one dissenting voice. it is bec[ause] they see the Ke[y]s of the K[ingdom]. the
devil [h]as [h]ad [h]is da[y] & [h]ad [h]is dominion. the Ld God now ag[ai]n makes bare his arm
& restores the P[riesthood] of the order of & & r calld to bear off the K[ingdom].—so man
shall glory in His presence— s[ai]d wh an I that I sh[oul]d be called to lead the p[eo]pl[e] [Exodus 3:11]
the Ld God hath called men from the plow &c to round up their shoulders, in the
name of the Ld God they r able & will carry it off & God will fulfil his promises
I test[ify] that this work is of God & whil[e] I see the arm of God made bare & when I see
the d[evi]l trying to lead away the chil[dren] of men—men look upon the wrong side of the
qu[estion] & the 1st thing they see is they [a]r[e] gone they [a]r[e] on the brink of destr[u]c[tio]n—an I see men
turn to the rit & the left & I know that they r as the wa[y] to dam[nation] [FIGURE] when I see Shayism &
every other ism that is broken off from the prin[ciples] of truth, they go they way that o[ther]s [h]av[e] done,
& they will feel it & theyre is no o[the]r plan of Sal[vatio]n—I warn all men be careful of what
w[e] do for I tell [yo]u that as the L[or]d God lives the Sword is ab[ou]t to fall on the fall ^South^, they
[h]av[e] got to foot the bill & that is the reason why they [a]r[e] driving away the that
they may be hidden up. unite with the p[eo]pl[e] that God [h]as chosen, it matters not
who it is moses or . I leave the consequence with God who is able to alld to his arm
his hand will go with his p[eo]pl[e] while those who oppress this p[eo]pl[e] shall be oppressed
with what measure they mete shall be meas[ure]d again. Why is all the South in arms ag[ain]s
the LDS bec[ause] they [a]r[e] stirred up by the devil. the hearts of men [a]r[e] moved upon lest
the S[ain]ts sho[ul]d rule. the L[or]d is now going to work to set up his work & will accomplish it—even
I see America cov[ere]d with cities, & begin to drive the S[ain]ts & shed their blood & refuse the cries of the
p[eo]pl[e] that [a]r[e] off[ere]d up to them, the die is casts their doom is seald & the LDS [a]r[e] not the only
p[eo]pl[e] that will suffer by a p[eo]pl[e] who profess Christianity. I ask if will they escape judg't
& escape their reward. I w[ould]d rather fall in the mire, & find a grave in the illegible of illegible
but because they have had a degree of that light & because they have seen the hand of God – here
again we have only one dissenting voice – it is because they see the Keys of the Kingdom – the
devil has had his day & had his dominion – the Ld now agn makes bare his arm
& restores the Priesthood of the order of & & r called to bear off the Kingdom. – so man
shall glory in His presence – said wh an I that I should be called to lead the people Exodus 3:11
the Ld God hath called men from the plow &c to round up their shoulders & in the
name of the Ld God they r able & will carry it off & God will fulfil his promises
I testify that this work is of God & while I see the arm of God made bare & when I see
the devil trying to lead away the children of men – men look upon the wrong side of the
qu & the 1st thing they see is they are gone they are on the brink of destrcn – an I see men
turn to the rit & the left I know that they r as the way to damnation when I see Shayism &
every other ism that is broken off from the principles of truth, they go the way that os av done,
& they will feel it & there is no or plan of Saln—I warn all men be careful of what
wav for I tell you that as the Lord God lives the Sword is about to fall on the South they
have got to foot the bill & that is the reason why they are driving away the LDS that
they may be hidden up – unite with the people that God has chosen – it matters not
who it is Moses or I leave the consequence with God who is able to alld to his arm
his hand will go with his people while those who oppress this people shall be oppressed
with what measure they mete shall be measured again. Why is all the South in arms ags
the LDS because they are stirred up by the devil – the hearts of men are moved upon lest
the Saints should rule – the Ld is now going to work to set up his work & will accomplish it—even
I see America covered with cities, & begin to drive the Sts & shed their blood & refuse the cries of the
people that are offered up to them – the die is casts their doom is sealed & the LDS are not the only
people that will suffer by a people who profess Christianity—I ask it will they escape judg& escape their reward. I had rather fall in the mire & find a grave in the wind of beans