W. Woodruff wished to express his feelings. I consider it to be my duty to bear in a
few words my test[imony] this da[y]. while I have heard the remarks of my bro[ther] this morn[ing]
this is what Jesus s[ai]d anciently can not ye discern the signs of the times [Matthew 16:3]. if [yo]u cannot
it it is bec[ause] they walk in darkness. it [h]as sometimes been a mystery how the LDS
have been gov[erne]d, even when the P[rophet] was living. when they [h]av[e] taken awa[y] your illegible tell us
why they heed your counsel. it is not bec[ause] the P[rophet], S[eer] , & R[evelator] was here or gov[erne]d by a Rod of Iron
W. Woodruff wished to express his feelings. I consider it to be my duty to bear in a
few words my testimony this day—while I have heard the remarks of my brother this morning
this is what Jesus said anciently can not ye discern the signs of the times Matthew 16:3 - if you cannot
it it is because they walk in darkness - it has sometimes been a mystery how the L D S
have been governed ? - even when the Prophet was living - when they have taken away your church? tell us
why they heed your counsel - it is not because the Prophet. Seer. & Revelator was here againd by a Rod of Iron
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