[Doctrine and Covenants 105:21-25] have families in the East, let them
stay for a little season inasmuch as
my servent shall appoint unto
them for I will council him conce-
rning this matter; and all things whatso-
ever he shall appoint unto them shall
be fulfilled & let all my people who
dwell in the region round about be very
faithful & prayerful & humble before
me & reveal not the things which
I have revealed unto them. Talk
not of judgment, boast not of faith,
nor of mighty works, but carefully
gather together as much in one region
as can be consistantly with the feeling
of the people. And behold I will give unto
you favor & grace in their eyes, that
have families in the East, let them
stay for a little season inasmuch as
my servent shall appoint unto
them for I will council him concerning this matter; and all things whatsoever he shall appoint unto them shall
be fulfilled & let all my people who
dwell in the region round about be very
faithful & prayerful & humble before
me & reveal not the things which
I have revealed unto them. Talk
not of judgment, boast not of faith,
nor of mighty works, but carefully
gather together as much in one region
as can be consistantly with the feeling
of the people. And behold I will give unto
you favor & grace in their eyes, that