pretty well recovered from the itch.
Regarding the elders that it is expected will
come out in October but not stated how many.
We will be very badly in need of ten Elders
besides the three who have just arrived, to
replace those who have just left and who
we expect will leave in November. And
shall be much pleased to receive that nu-
mber as soon as practicable and if one of
them could be a competent book keeper and
accountant, we would like to be iniciating
him in to succeed Elder in the
clerkship of the mission as his time is
near expireing.
There are two or three places on the
mission where some opposition & bittter
hatred have been manifested. A Corps of
Roman Catholic Irish policemen made
some threats over the brethren tracting
and attempting to travel without purse
or script in but by carrying
the matter up a little higher the Elders were
guaranteed justice & protection, and this
matter seems to have pretty well blown over.
Now and then too, some minister has to
explode a little through the news papers,
but upon the whole, seems to there is a
pretty well recovered from the itch.
Regarding the elders that it is expected will
come out in October but not stated how many.
We will be very badly in need of ten Elders
besides the three who have just arrived, to
replace those who have just left and who
we expect will leave in November. And
shall be much pleased to receive that number as soon as practicable and if one of
them could be a competent book keeper and
accountant, we would like to be iniciating
him in to succeed Elder Castleton in the
clerkship of the mission as his time is
near expireing.
There are two or three places on the
mission where some opposition & bittter
hatred have been manifested. A Corps of
Roman Catholic Irish police men made
some threats over the brethren tracting
and attempting to travel without purse
or script in Queensland but by carrying
the matter up a little higher the Elders were
guaranteed justice & protection, and this
matter seems to have pretty well blown over.
Now and then too, some minister has to
explode a little through the news papers,
but upon the whole, seems to me there is a