very good feeling among the people in general
regarding us, and what we represent. And
many are free to admit and comment upon
the great change that the maories in particular
who have embraced the gospel have under-
gone through our teachings and labors.
The Latter Day Saints and their religion seems
to be getting better understood and more
kindly looked upon.
Since first of July, have visited and
held conferences and other meetings in , , , , and Districts having good meetings and
in most places made some additions.
July 11th we had the pleasure of baptizing
one Pepene a great chief of the Ngatimam [Ngati-tama] tribe,
and elder brother of our late respected brother
in whom we sustained
such a loss. Tis throught this one will come
to the front and contribute largely towards
making up the loss.
We have just closed a nice interesting
and we think profitable conference of the
District at .
I go to hold conference in the ,
and districts.
Ever praying for your enjoyment in
very good feeling among the people in general
regarding us, and what we represent. And
many are free to admit and comment upon
the great change that the maories in particular
who have embraced the gospel have undergone through our teachings and labors.
The Latter Day Saints and their religion seems
to be getting better understood and more
kindly looked upon.
Since first of July, I have visited and
held conferences and other meetings in Waikato, Hanraki, Tarunga, Hawks' bay, and Wairarapa Districts having good meetings and
in most places made some additions.
July 11th we had the pleasure of baptizing
one Pepene, a great chief of the Ngati-tama tribe,
and elder brother of our late respected brother
Reha Aperahamoa in whom we sustained
such a loss. Tis thought this one will come
to the front and contribute largely towards
making up the loss.
We have just closed a nice interesting
and we think profitable conference of the
Manawatu District at Porirna.
I go to hold conference in the Mahia,
Poverty Bay and Waiapu districts.
Ever praying for your enjoyment in