hearken unto my voice, and the counsel of my
Servants, the wicked shall not prevail. Let my
servants, who officiate as your counselors before
the Courts, make their pleadings as they are
moved upon by the Holy Spirit, without any further
pledges from the Priesthood, and they shall be justified.
I the Lord, will hold the Courts, with the officers of
Government, and the nation, responsible for their
acts towards the inhabitants of Zion. I, Jesus
Christ, the Savior of the world, am in your midst.
I am your advocate with the Father. Fear not little
flock, it is your Father's good pleasure to give you
the Kingdom. Fear not the wicked and ungodly.
Search the scriptures, for they are they which testify of
me; also those revelations which I have given to
my servant , and to all my servants since
the world began, which are recorded in the records
of divine truth. Those revelations contain the
judgments of God, which are to be poured out upon
all nations under the heavens, which include
hearken unto my voice, and the counsel of my
Servants, the wicked shall not prevail. Let my
servants, who officiate as your counselors before
the Courts, make their pleadings as they are
moved upon by the Holy Spirit, without any further
pledges from the Priesthood, and they shall be justified.
I the Lord, will hold the Courts, with the officers of
Government, and the nation, responsible for their
acts towards the inhabitants of Zion. I, Jesus
Christ, the Savior of the world, am in your midst.
I am your advocate with the Father. Fear not little
flock, it is your Father's good pleasure to give you
the Kingdom. Fear not the wicked and ungodly.
Search the scriptures, for they are they which testify of
me; also those revelations which I have given to
my servant , and to all my servants since
the world began, which are recorded in the records
of divine truth. Those revelations contain the
judgments of God, which are to be poured out upon
all nations under the heavens, which include