Great Babylon. These judgments are at the door, they
will be fulfilled, as God lives. Leave judgment
with me, it is mine saith the Lord. Watch the , and they will show the fulfillment of the
words of the Lord. Let my Servants call upon the
Lord in mighty prayer, retain the as
your constant companion, and act as you are
moved upon by that spirit, and all will be
well with you. The wicked are fast ripening
in iniquity, and they will be cut off by the judg-
ments of God. Great events await you and this
generation, and are nigh at your doors. Awake,
O Israel, and have faith in God, and His promises,
and He will not forsake you. I the Lord will de-
liver my Saints from the dominion of the
wicked, in mine own due time and way. I
cannot deny my word, neither in blessing nor
judgments. Therefore let mine Anointed gird
up their loins, watch and be sober, and keep my
commandments. Pray always and faint not;
Great Babylon. These judgments are at the door, they
will be fulfilled, as God lives. Leave judgment
with me, it is mine saith the Lord. Watch the , and they will show the fulfillment of the
words of the Lord. Let my Servants call upon the
Lord in mighty prayer, retain the as
your constant companion, and act as you are
moved upon by that spirit, and all will be
well with you. The wicked are fast ripening
in iniquity, and they will be cut off by the judgments of God. Great events await you and this
generation, and are nigh at your doors. Awake,
O Israel, and have faith in God, and His promises,
and He will not forsake you. I the Lord will deliver my Saints from the dominion of the
wicked, in mine own due time and way. I
cannot deny my word, neither in blessing nor
judgments. Therefore let mine Anointed gird
up their loins, watch and be sober, and keep my
commandments. Pray always and faint not;