into 4 rooms each. The second story had the same width alley running
through the and the sides were divided into three rooms each, the
upper story was to be finished into one room or hall. The basement
story wall was three feet thick and the remainder of the building 2 feet
thick. At this time the cornish was on and a part of the roof
All the way from on our journey
to we found nearly all the crops of wheat eaten up
by the grasshopers
We stayed at Filmore one night and on the morrow
we journeyed to which contained a settlement of Indians
of the Parvaosts ^Parvants^. was their
principal Chief
We stoped a short time with the Indians and
about a dozen of them with their chiefs mounted their horses and
rode with us on our journey. The Indians shot prarie dogs
and rabbits for their supper. They roasted the dogs a little and then
eat them entrails young ones and all. We camped at Cove^rn^ Creek
after a distance of 40 miles travel during the day.
Two days later we reached . Here
we met and visited his flouring mill which
was a good establishment
In the evening we held a meeting with the
people. President preached upon the law of consecration
and Wilford Woodruff reported it
The mail from came in the
day previous and brought me a letter from and
2 numbers of the "Mormon" published by at
Next day we reached . I stoped with
brother and after dinner visited the ironworks
I was rejoiced to find them in full blast making good iron
into 4 rooms each. The second story had the same width alley running
through the and the sides were divided into three rooms each, the
upper story was to be finished into one room or hall. The basement
story wall was three feet thick and the remainder of the building 2 feet
thick. At this time the cornish was on and a part of the roof
All the way from on our journey
to we found nearly all the crops of wheat eaten up
by the grasshopers
We stayed at Filmore one night and on the morrow
we journeyed to which contained a settlement of Indians
of the Parvants. was their
principal Chief
We stoped a short time with the Indians and
about a dozen of them with their chiefs mounted their horses and
rode with us on our journey. The Indians shot prarie dogs
and rabbits for their supper. They roasted the dogs a little and then
eat them entrails young ones and all. We camped at Corn Creek
after a distance of 40 miles travel during the day.
Two days later we reached . Here
we met and visited his flouring mill which
was a good establishment
In the evening we held a meeting with the
people. President preached upon the law of consecration
and Wilford Woodruff reported it
The mail from came in the
day previous and brought me a letter from and
2 numbers of the "Mormon" published by at
Next day we reached . I stoped with
brother and after dinner visited the ironworks
I was rejoiced to find them in full blast making good iron