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Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Collection Name | Wilford Woodruff collection, 1830-1898 |
Collection Description | Wilford Woodruff autobiography (volume 3), circa 1865-1866 |
Collection Number | MS 5506 |
Collection Page | 1-765 |
Source Link | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Introduction | Wilford Woodruff's discourse at the Richards' home in Nauvoo, Ilinois, recorded by Franklin Dewey Richards in his personal notebook. |
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Transcript | View Full Transcript |
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the Priest which I ordained was my son Wilford Woodruff Jr.. He was 13 years of age and he was now beginning to officiate in the Priest's office of the lesser Priesthood. I thanked the Lord that I had lived to see this day when I had a son who received the Priesthood. I prayed the blessings of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob tro rest upon him that he might honour his calling all the days of his life and do much good in bringing many souls into the Kingdom of God and always maintain the Kingdom of God with all its laws and principles
Blessing Of Wilford Woodruff Jnrr (Born in Montrose Iowa March 22nd 1840) His Blessing was given, under the hands of his father Wilford Woodruff Sen, one of the Twelve Apostles, in the City of the Great Salt Lake Feb 3rd 1854 when young Wilford was thirteen years and 323 days old. His mother assisted in the Blessing. "Wilford: In the name of Jesus Christ and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood I lay my hands upon your head and seal upon your head a father's blessing and seal upon you the Priesthood of Aaron which you have received and also to dedicate you unto God for the purpose of the ministry
Sister Whitney sung in tongues in the pure language which Adam and Eve made use of in the garden of Eden. This gift was obtained while in Kirtland through the promise of Joseph. He told her if she would rise upon her feet (while in a meeting) she should have the pure language. She did so and immediately commenced singing in tongues. It was as near heavenly music as anything I ever heard
President Young said that the Seventies held all the keys in the Church and Kingdom of God on earth and if the Twelve were dead they would have to ordain all the officers of the Church for they are all High Priests and Apostles.
"I do not wish to spend my time neither is it profitable for any man to spend his time in telling the people what was done in the days of Adam Enoch and Noah thousands of years ago but my business is to tell the people what they should do to day in order to be saved. This is my doctrine all the time. What can I do or this people do to-day in any one thing in order to build up the kingdom of God or to advance any step farther towards the salvation
Pray unto the Lord and have faith before him that you may have visions and revelations from God so that you
there is not one thing in your possession that is yours. It all belongs to God; and even you yourselves belong to God. All you have belong[s] to Him and He has only loaned it to you and yet you do not acknowledge his hand in anything while you should acknowledge his hand in all things
But do the people understand those things which are for our good? The Lord will not explain all things unto us. He understands; but he will make his people walk by faith. He will not explain all his mysteries to the people. We read in the New Testament that faith is the assurance of things hoped for—the evidence of things not seen. Have we all got faith? It is our duty to have faith in God and his word and promise. You have to trust in God. He will not reveal all things unto us
The Lord intends for the people to be tried so as to prove the faithful. What God does reveal he reveals for the purpose of leading men in the way of salvation
When you have become of one heart and mind God has treasures for you and he has given us capacity to see if we will magnify our calling with everything we have to do in our lives. We are approaching very swiftly the time when Jesus will come to see if we are of one heart and mind which the Prophet Joseph said would be in this generation and will manifest himself to the Saints and take up his abode with them.
Now if you will all do right and live a holy life angels will come and visit us and stay with us all night and you will have many revelations and be happy. We know we ought to pray and would not neglect it if we loved the Lord.
He referred to the preaching of Orson Hyde and Orson Pratt the Sabbath before upon the subject of the resurrection. He said the identicals particles of matter in which we had honored our spirits i.e. our tabernacles in which we had suffered travelled labored and built up the Kingdom of God they would be the identical bodies and no other. They would be raised from the grave to immortality and eternal lives
as soon as Adam and Eve began to eat of the fruit of the earth they received into their systems the seeds of mortality and of death. So their children were mortal and subject to death sorrow and pain who then when they partook of life joy ease and happiness would know how to prise it. Father Adam would never cease his labors to redeem his posterity and exalt them to all the glory they were capable of receiving.
In conversing upon various principles President Young thought none would inherit this earth when
it became celestialized and translated into the presence of God excepting those who would be crowned as Gods and be able to endure the fulness of the presence of God excepting that they might take with them some servants for whom they would be held responsible. All others would have to inherit another kingdom even that kingdom agreeing to the laws which they had kept. Yet he thought these also would have the privilege of proving themselves worthy and advancing to a celestial glory but it would be a slow process.
At the Prayer Circle President Young prophesied that the Lamanites would not conquer their enemies nor get much advantage over them in their battles but they would continue to be destroyed and distressed until they sought unto the Lord and his servants and embraced the Gospel and became a righteous people. Then they would begin to prosper but not before.
After retiring to bed I prayed to the Lord to show me what we should teach the people and I received for an answer, "Let my servants obtain the Holy Ghost and keep my Spirit with them and that will instruct them what to teach the people continually. Instruct the people to keep my Spirit with them and they will be enabled to understand the word of the Lord when it is taught them
Parley P. Pratt in opening his discourse gave some practical lessens upon the training of our children in the history and knowledge of the Bible. He said that one cause why he had taken that text was that a school teacher in Great Salt Lake City had asked her whole school where Jesus was born and not one of them could tell her. He observed however that the children were small; but he urged upon the Saints the importance of instructing even the smallest children capable of understanding the history of the Prophets and Apostles.
I felt in the beginning of my ministry that I had no right to preach unless I was filled with the Spirit of revelation and prophecy as the ancients; and I feel the same to-day
We must show to the Lord that we are willing to fulfil what he requires of us and this we shall not do unless we are willing to arise and shine. But how are we to do it? We have got to build up Zion, we have got to make Zion the most holy and polished refined and beautiful place upon the face of the whole earth
I also say in the name of the Lord that the descendants of Ephraim who are among the Gentiles are the first born and they are the first ones to receive the fulness of the Gospel in this Dispensation; they are the first to be gathered together and this work was not to be given to any other.
if you are not willing to do the small things that are necessary on earth then you are not willing to do as you are told in heaven and you will lose your glory and exaltation
Every time we build a house or a city we should better it. Everything around us should be neat and clean.
You know that our children have to learn the Alphabet first. So it is with this people. The things which God teaches us are small and simple in many respects but they are just as necessary for us to learn and practise as it is for the child to learn his letters in order to understand the arts and sciences for we have to learn and practise small things before we can obtain and carry out the greater things of God
a person always had to experience the opposite and pass through sorrow pain and affliction before he could be exalted to glory
I see a thousand weaknesses in myself that I now regret and it is so with all those who have the light of the Spirit of God. They can see their weaknesses and regret them and they will try to overcome them.
It is our duty to make every sacrifice that is required of us so that our Father in heaven, the holy angels and all just men who sit enthroned in glory and power and dominion may look upon us in the character; that is that they may see in their kingdoms that we are willing to make every sacrifice (if I may call it a sacrifice) and not looking to man in order that we may secure a seat with them in eternal light and glory.
You have got to begin to learn to learn to overcome. You should begin to improve day by day; shun the errors as you see them and improve upon them. Be a better man and woman to-morrow than you are to day. Continue to improve. There is not a man or woman here but what can do better than they do.
Let us overcome every temper and evil passion that arises within you. You can shut your mouth and keep your tongue still and quiet; and the next time you are tempted you can overcome it easier. Keep silence and it will give you a great victory Mothers when you are cross and attempt to correct your children, conquer yourselves first. Fathers when you feel any of the evil passions of your nature arise then you need the grace of God to help bring yourselves into subjection that you may go in the Spirit of meekness until you get the victory over your feelings
We see the children of men laboring hard to obtain wealth. They labor night and day to obtain this object. But wealth will not give you wisdom; but if you will shun evil and extend the hand of charity to every living being and do good to all as far as you have an opportunity. This will grow in you and you will increase in wisdom and knowledge
We should live so as to enjoy the Spirit of revelation that we may know the will of God concerning us in all things. You should not live for yourselves alone for if your affections are not placed on the Lord Jesus Christ and you do not possess charity you will miss the gate and not enter into the glory of God yourselves; for you will not receive the Spirit of the Gospel.
It is your duty to live your religion. No man can magnify the Priesthood and his calling unless he lives his religion and unless he is filled with the Spirit of revelation of the holy Ghost and of the Holy Priesthood: then he can magnify his calling and do his duty to his neighbor and all men
When Abraham received the Priesthood^ The people were so wicked that no man would receive him; but the Lord promised him a Seed through whom the Holy Priesthood should be perpetuated forever and that to the increase of his seed there should be no end. The Lord promised to Abraham this great blessing. A man can have no greater blessing than was promised to him; that he should have children who should have the Priesthood. I would not ask for any greater blessing than this for myself
Who has ever heard of the Jews having the Spirit of God or the Gospel or Kingdom of God offered to the Jews since they put to death Jesus Chirist and the Kingdom went to the Gentiles? No one for it has never been done. They will go home in unbelief and wickedness and rebuild Jerusalem in that state and they will be so far from the Gospel that when the Gentiles come against them to battle rifle their houses ravish their women and carry half of their city into captivity and Jesus Christ comes and delivers them in the midst of this hour of peril and trouble they will not know him nor even imagine who he is till they ask him about his wounds and he tells them. Then the Gospel has to be preached to them and they will repent be baptized and receive the first principles of the Gospel
I have been marked as a victem for the attacks of the Destroyer from my infancy up to the present time. I have faced accidents misfortunes and apparently death so many times that it had become a proverb with me to say that there has seemed to be two powers constantly watching me and at work with me one to kill and the other to save me. Thus far the power to save me and preserve my life had prevailed.
"Brother Wilford; in the name of Jesus Christ and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood I lay my hands upon your head to bless you; and I ask my Father in Heaven to stay the disease which is resting upon you and to cleanse your blood and to heal you: and I say in the name of Jesus Christ that you shall not die but shall live to finish your work which is appointed you to do upon the earth. The adversary has sought many times to destroy your life from the earth but the Lord has preserved you and will preserve you until your work is done. I feel to say that all is right here. I feel to ask the Lord to bless all the means you make use of for your recovery. You shall be healed up from this disease and live to enjoy the society of your family and your children shall grow up around you and you shall be a blessing to them. Let your heart be comforted; all shall be well with you: and I seal these blessings upon you in the name of Jesus Christ: Amen.
In the Historian's Office on the 23rd while conversing upon eternal progress President Young again stated what he had said on the 9th which I have already recorded. To-day he spoke more fully upon the matter. He said he knew by revelation while in England that there would be an eternal increase in knowledge and that as we now are God once was and that as he now is we shall be if we continue faithful.
the Priesthood is a perfect system of Government
Wilford Woodruff spoke to the Missionaries for a short time and exhorted them to keep a Journal of their ministry every day of their lives. He said I would advise you to get all of your blessings written and preserve them
We are not apt to think of the importance of events as they transpire with us but we feel the importance of them afterwards. We are living in one of the most important generations that man ever lived on the earth and we should write an account of those important events and transactions which are taking place before our eyes in fulfilment of the prophecies and revelations of God There are a great volume of revelations fulfilling in our day and as they transpire before our eyes we want a record made of them. If the power and blessings of God are made manifest in your preservation from danger and death you should make a record of it and keep an account of the dealings of God with you daily
I have written all the blessings I have received and would not take gold for them.
"O God our Eternal Father we bow before thee this morning beneath this roof for the purpose of dedicating the Historian's Office unto the Lord our God We feel this to be our duty; as we consider this to be a blessing unto us that we have the privilege of being located in these Valleys where we can worship thee and build Temples Tabernacles and cities unto thy Holy name and have none to molest us or make us affraid We rejoice in the power of the Priesthood which thoue hast given unto thy servants through the power of which and the mercy of God we are protected and preserved from the wickedness and abominations of the world We thank thee O Lord that the power of the Priesthood and righteousness governs and controls us and predominates in these Valleys of the Mountains. For these things we fell to offer up our prayers with thanksgiving. And inasmuch as we have the privelege of having an Office built for thy servants to occupy while writing and keeping a history of the Church and kingdom of God upon the earth in these last days we fell it a privelege to bow before thee and dedicate this house unto
"O, God the Eternal Father, we bow down before thee on this Font which has been made by thy servants to baptize thy people in, for the purpose of dedicating it unto the Lord our God. We dedicate ourselves before thee O Lord and we ask thee in the name of Jesus Christ to forgive us all our sins, that we may have thy Holy Spirit to guide us in all things that we may be guided in the ways of the Lord and that we may never do wrong. Look upon us O God who have now bowed before thee around this Font and help us to do thy will in all things, acknowledge thee in all things and honour thee and worship thee at all times. Help
When you first received the Gospel was not
I want to see the power of God among the people that they may have faith to remove mountains if necessary but the power of God will only increase as the Spirit of
Since the Twelve are now chosen I wish to tell them a course which they may pursue and be benefited hereafter in point of light of which they perhaps are not aware At all times when you assemble in the capacity of a Council to transact buisness let the oldest of your number preside and let one or more be appointed to keep a record of your proceedings and on the decission of every important item let it be what it may let us ^such^ decission be noted down and they will ever afterwards remain upon record as law covenant and docrtrine. Questions thus decided might at the time appear unimportant, but should they be recorded and one of you lay hands upon them afterwards you might find them of infinite worth not only to your brethren but a feast also to your own souls Should you assemble from time to time and procede to disclose important subjects or questions and pass descisions upon them and omit to record such decisions by and by you will be driven to straits from which you will not be able to estricate yourselves not being in a position situation to bring your faith to bear with sufficient perfection or power to obtain the desired information. Now in consequence to write of a neglect to write these things when God revealed them not esteeming them of sufficient worth the Spirit may withdraw and God may be angry. And here is a fountain of intelligence or knowledge of infinite importance which is lost. What was the cause of this? The answer is slothfulness or neglect to appoint a man to occupy a few moments in writing.
I seldom ever heard Brother Joseph or the Twelve preach or teach any principle but what I felt as uneasy as a fish out of water until I had written it. Then I felt right. I could write a sermon of Joseph's a week after it was delivered and almost word for word and after it was written it was taken from me or from my mind This was a gift from God unto me and I have kept a Journal of almost every day of my life for the last 24 years.
Again Elders go forth upon missions to the nations of the earth They have to enter into a regular warefare. The Lord pours out his Holy Spirit upon them and they war with the world the flesh and the devil, with kings princes lords presidents and rulers. They are cast into prison and the Lord delivers them. The devil enters into some of their converts and the lay hands upon them and cast them out. The Saints are sick and they heal them. They prophesy in the name of the Lord and their words come to pass. Rulers declair that they shall not preach to the people on pain of death. They preach the word of God and many believe obey and rejoice in the Lord and they are protected by the power of God. They goes upon the sea and the storms rage and they calms them water and wind in the name of the Lord. They are shielded and goverened by the angels of God all the day long and they know the power of God is with them revealing unto them the evils that lie in their path. And yet the Elders do not view these great and important things of value enough to make a record of them to spend a short time in writing them; and the circumstance and history of these blessings unto them are lost both to the present and the future generations. Are these things right? I do not believe they are. I do not believe men are justified in neglecting to record these things
Now as an example: Should the ten lost tribes of Israel suddenly come pouring down upon us in the land of Zion led by the Holy Prophets of God what would be one of the first enquiries we should make of them? It would be where are your records and History and the revelations and dealings of God with you since you were led away under Shalmaezer king of Asyria? O do let me see and read them and do let me have the journal of your travels from the North country to our land of Zion
On the 25 of May my daughter Phebe had a very severe attack of inflamation on the lungs or something like the plurisy and could not breathe only with great difficulty. We bolstered her up in bed and she would catch for breath like a person straugling We annointed ^her^ laid hands upon her and rebuked the desease. I finally got Joseph Smith's hankerchief which he gave me in 1839 and said it should remain as a league between us as long as I would keep it. I laid the handkerchief and she became somewhat better and slept
"The Constitution of the United States was got up by inspiration. It gives all men the rights of conscience So it will be in the Millennium. It will be like the Constitution. All will have to bow the knee and acknowledge the Lord that it is his right to reign but they must not blaspheme; but they may enjoy their own religion
Dedication Prayer O God our Eternal Father we ask thee in the name of Jesus Christ that thou wilt bless this deposit which we have made
I do not want to fight the United States but if they drive us to it we shall do the best we can and I tell you as God lives we shall come off conquerer for we trust in God. For God has set up his kingdom upon the earth and it will never fall but it will stand. We shall do all we can not to fight but if they drive us to it God will overthrow them.
We are the supporters of the United States Constitution and we love the Constitution and laws of the United States but it is the corrupt administeration of those laws that we are suffering under and not the laws.
I want you to watch the signs and you will see that God will work against the nation who are trying to destroy both the Indians and the Mormons. The Government has become corrupt and they are the ones who are breaking the Constitution of the United States and if it is ever saved it will be saved by the Mormons who are the Elders of Israel.
God had set up his kingdom upon the earth and it was here and the Lord would sustain that Kingdom and he would destroy all who fought against it; and if the armies of the United States come against us the Lord would permit them to be destroyed
The enemy were in a close place and their provisions fast diminishing and but little prospects before them but starvation. We had prayed that the Lord would lead them into the pit which they had dug for the Saints and the Lord had heard our prayers and our enemies were now in the pit and a fair prospect of their being destroyed without our shedding their blood