of ourselves or our brethren
Now what has been the councisel to this people for several years
past? It has been to ^build^ f^or^t^s^ up; to wall in your cities with strong walls
This has been the voice of the Lord unto them all the day long. Have the
people listened to this voice? Have they carried out this counsel? No
they have not? But what have they done? They have been ready to say
what nead hath the Lord of this thing? Do you realthink there is any danger
of the Indians? Do you think that brother really believes that
it is necessary to go to so much expence in building walls around our cities?
Instead of going to work and doing what they are told to do the people
spend their time in talking about it and trying to evade it.
Now I wish to ask a question. The Lord has appointed
me to lead this people. The people have chosen me as their leader
and covenanted to sustain me and obey my counsel. Now if I tell
the people what to do and they do not do it nor carry out my counsel
but turn from it and go to work and do something else and they continue
this year after year while at the same time I am warning them of
the danger of their course and telling them of the judgements which will
come upon them if they do not alter their course and go to work and
do as I have told them do you suppose they will escape the chastening
rod of the Almighty? No they will not.
If the people continue to pursue their present
course and the chastening rod does not fall upon their heads I should
become disregarded in the sight of God angels and men. This people
may rest assured that they are preparing a rod for their ^own^ backs if they
do not listen to my counsel and do what I tell them
But says one I would go to work and help build
a wall around the city if I knew it was a revelation from God and
that it was His will we should do it. I want to say to such that
it is my will that you should do it and that it is enough. I am
responsible for it and if you want to know any farther about
it do right. Pray unto the Lord and have faith before him that
you may have visions and revelations from God so that you
of ourselves or our brethren
Now what has been the counsel to this people for several years
past? It has been to build forts; to wall in your cities with strong walls
This has been the voice of the Lord unto them all the day long. Have the
people listened to this voice? Have they carried out this counsel? No
they have not? But what have they done? They have been ready to say
what nead hath the Lord of this thing? Do youthink there is any danger
of the Indians? Do you think that brother really believes that
it is necessary to go to so much expence in building walls around our cities?
Instead of going to work and doing what they are told to do the people
spend their time in talking about it and trying to evade it.
Now I wish to ask a question. The Lord has appointed
me to lead this people. The people have chosen me as their leader
and covenanted to sustain me and obey my counsel. Now if I tell
the people what to do and they do not do it nor carry out my counsel
but turn from it and go to work and do something else and they continue
this year after year while at the same time I am warning them of
the danger of their course and telling them of the judgements which will
come upon them if they do not alter their course and go to work and
do as I have told them do you suppose they will escape the chastening
rod of the Almighty? No they will not.
If the people continue to pursue their present
course and the chastening rod does not fall upon their heads I should
become disregarded in the sight of God angels and men. This people
may rest assured that they are preparing a rod for their own backs if they
do not listen to my counsel and do what I tell them
But says one I would go to work and help build
a wall around the city if I knew it was a revelation from God and
that it was His will we should do it. I want to say to such that
it is my will that you should do it and that it is enough. I am
responsible for it and if you want to know any farther about
it do right. Pray unto the Lord and have faith before him that
you may have visions and revelations from God so that you