Elder will leave 11th inst for
to labor with Elders and
Elder Barton has been poo^r^ly in health for some time and
will be released to return to Zion as soon as we can raise
means or rather receive some from home.
Elder will go to 12th inst.
to assist Elder in the Queensland
Conference, and as Wm Armstrong will be called
to labor with relatives in the course of a few months
Elder Barker will, believe, be able to take up
the lead of the work in that conference. am well
pleased with the elders sent, have been able to
place two good men capable of doing their part
in the possitions placed.
Some of the elders have had poor health
lately but when the hot weather is over, as there
is nothing serious in their illness’es, they will be
all well again.
The work is quietly making way into the
families of the honest and I believe we can look
for some fruits of the labor performed by the
elders. there have been, I believe, eight baptisms
performed and several children blessed since I last
wrote you and look for more in the near
I am well and desire to do my part. I
go to Brisbane in company with elder Barker.
I hope each of you are in the enjoyment
of good health, and pray God to bless you.
Elder Fox will leave 11th inst for Melbourne
to labor with Elders H. W. Barton and Enoch S. Reese
Elder Barton has been poorly in health for some time and
will be released to return to Zion as soon as we can raise
means or rather receive some from home.
Elder Barker will go to Brisbane 12th inst.
to assist Elder Wm Armstrong in the Queensland
Conference, and as Wm Armstrong will be called
to labor with relatives in the course of a few months
Elder Barker will, I believe, be able to take
the lead of the work in that conference. am well
pleased with the elders sent, have been able to
place two good men capable of doing their part
in the possitions placed.
Some of the elders have had poor health
lately but when the hot weather is over, as there
is nothing serious in their illness’es, they will be
all well again.
The work is quietly making way into the
families of the honest and I believe we can look
for some fruits of the labor performed by the
elders. there have been, I believe, eight baptisms
performed and several children blessed since I last
wrote you and look for more in the near
I am well and desire to do my part. I
go to Brisbane in company with elder Barker.
I hope each of you are in the enjoyment
of good health, and pray God to bless you.