Brother Taylor gave us a very
interesting discourse this morning
upon the first principles of the Gospel,
contrasting them with the religion
of the Christian world, showing the
authority by which they administered
in different ages the ordinances of
religion according to the traditions
of their fathers. He remarked that
the Elders of this Church went forth
as the Apostles did in the days of
the Savior, promising to the people,
on conditions of obedience, the gift of
the Holy Ghost; and he remarked
that no other people would do that,
because they do not possess the
authority to do it.
I do not know that I can spend
the few moments that I may speak
here, better than to read a little on
the authority that we have for pur-
suing this course. This portion that
Discourse by Elder WILFORD WOODRUFF, delivered in the Bowery, Great
Salt Lake City, July .
Brother Taylor gave us a very
interesting discourse this morning
upon the first principles of the Gospel,
contrasting them with the religion
of the Christian world, showing the
authority by which they administered
in different ages the ordinances of
religion according to the traditions
of their fathers. He remarked that
the Elders of this Church went forth
as the Apostles did in the days of
the Savior, promising to the people,
on conditions of obedience, the gift of
the Holy Ghost; and he remarked
that no other people would do that,
because they do not possess the
authority to do it.
I do not know that I can spend
the few moments that I may speak
here, better than to read a little on
the authority that we have for pursuing this course. This portion that