sober, more cleanly, more industrious, and in every way better citizens since
they listened to the teachings of the "Mormon" missionaries. can vindicate
your calling and labors by the fruits that have followed, and prove that your efforts
have been as priaiseworthy as the truths that you teach are impregnable.
As we hoped, the United States at has reversed
the decision of the local courts in the case of Brother , taken up on
from . He was first committed and sentenced for unlawful with a polygamous wife, then for adultery. The Supreme Court holds that
two separate crimes were not committed by his living with a plural wife, and sent
down an order ordering the discharge of Brother Nielsen from the penitentiary. He
had served his term for unlawful cohabitation and was serving out the one for
adultery. We understand that Preosecuting Attorney and some other officials
are much chagrined at this decision. They had hoped to introduce the segregating
system in a niew and very odious form. Now they must elect which charge they will
proceed on. No doubt, wherever the evidence makes it possible, they will proceed
against the brethren for adultery, as the penalty, on conviction, is so much the
heavier. Arrests for the infractions of the law are still frequent
in the remoter portions of the , but not so numerous as at one time. It
is said that there are at present more Territorial prisoners in the Utah penitentiary
thayn at any former time. The number of United States prisoners is less than it was
sober, more cleanly, more industrious, and in every way better citizens since
they listened to the teachings of the "Mormon" missionaries. can vindicate
your calling and labors by the fruits that have followed, and prove that your efforts
have been as praiseworthy as the truths that you teach are impregnable.
As we hoped, the United States at has reversed
the decision of the local courts in the case of Brother , taken up on
from . He was first committed and sentenced for unlawful with a polygamous wife, then for adultery. The Supreme Court holds that
two separate crimes were not committed by his living with a plural wife, and sent
down an order ordering the discharge of Brother Nielsen from the penitentiary. He
had served his term for unlawful cohabitation and was serving out the one for
adultery. We understand that Prosecuting Attorney and some other officials
are much chagrined at this decision. They had hoped to introduce the segregating
system in a new and very odious form. Now they must elect which charge they will
proceed on. No doubt, wherever the evidence makes it possible, they will proceed
against the brethren for adultery, as the penalty, on conviction, is so much the
heavier. Arrests for the infractions of the law are still frequent
in the remoter portions of the , but not so numerous as at one time. It
is said that there are at present more Territorial prisoners in the Utah penitentiary
than at any former time. The number of United States prisoners is less than it was