figure head of His MajestyshShip Monarch of
100 guns whose keel was laid down in 1760 on
the day that King George III ascended the
throne. [FIGURE] In the centre is part of the topmast of
the Pearl frigate singularly injured having no less
than 24 shot holes in it part of the shot are still to be
seen sticking in the mast. To the left of the
mast is the steering wheel of the victory
the ship in which the gallant Nelson received his
Death wound in the moment of triumph off Cape Trafalgar. A huge anchor taken at Camper
down, reclines against the mast, on the massive base
are laid a number of cannon, some of them of vary
large calibre most of which were taken in the great
battles of the revolutionary war.
A large brass Morter captured on board a French ship
of war in the west Indies with a variety of shot
both old & modern date
Two beautiful small field pieces were captured
at Quebec after the action in which the brave
General Wolfe fell AD 1759. A Brass Morter
weighs upwards of 6000 lbs & was employed at the
siege of Namur AD 1695 by King Williams III.
We assended the staircase leading to the small
Arm Armoury whare we beheld a splended trophy
consisting of arms & weapons ancient and modern
aranged and grouped with much taste comprising
nearly 200 varieties nearly all differing in form
or pattern. In the centre is a half column supp
orting a bust by King Williams IV by Joseph on
it are suspended suits of armour a gilt shileld
battle axe &c the mass is placed within a recess
on a platform which is supported by eight brass cannon 6 ponunder guns taken at Waterloo
that serve as pillars. The walls are adorned
with large stars & other figures formed of sword
brass scabbards bayonets and pistols &c.
The Small Arm Armoury
On entering this magnificent room we saw
what was formerly called a willrderness of Arms
but now so systematically aranged that in a
few minutes we beheld arms for upwards of
150000 men all new flinted and ready for
immediate service [FIGURE] This room is 345 foo[t]
in length. Round the whole of the Room is
a cornice formed of Drums pistols & other peice
of Armour. we saw many arms of all
figure head of His MajestysShip Monarch of
100 guns whose keel was laid down in 1760 on
the day that King George III ascended the
throne. [FIGURE] In the centre is part of the topmast of
the Pearl frigate singularly injured having no less
than 24 shot holes in it part of the shot are still to be
seen sticking in the mast. To the left of the
mast is the steering wheel of the victory
the ship in which the gallant Nelson received his
Death wound in the moment of triumph off
Cape Trafalgar. A huge anchor taken at Camper
down, reclines against the mast, on the massive base
are laid a number of cannon, some of them of vary
large calibre most of which were taken in the great
battles of the revolutionary war.
A large brass Morter captured on board a French ship
of war in the west Indies with a variety of shot
both old & modern date
Two beautiful small field pieces were captured
at Quebec after the action in which the brave
General Wolfe fell AD 1759. A Brass Morter
weighs upwards of 6000 lbs & was employed at the
siege of Namur AD 1695 by King Williams III.
we assended the staircase leading to the small
Arm Armoury whare we beheld a splended trophy
consisting of arms & weapons ancient and modern
aranged and grouped with much taste comprising
nearly 200 varieties nearly all differing in form
or pattern. In the centre is a half column supp
orting a bust by King Williams IV by Joseph on
it are suspended suits of armour a gilt shield
battle axe &c the mass is placed within a recess
on a platform which is supported by eight brass
6 pounder guns taken at Waterloo
that serve as pillars. The walls are adorned
with large stars & other figures formed of sword
brass scabbards bayonets and pistols &c.
The Small Arm Armoury
On entering this magnificent room we saw
what was formerly called a willderness of Arms
but now so systematically aranged that in a
few minutes we beheld arms for upwards of
150000 men all new flinted and ready for
immediate service [FIGURE] This room is 345 foot
in length. Round the whole of the Room is
a cornice formed of Drums pistols & other peice
of Armour. we saw many arms of all
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," December 12, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025,