14thSarah Emma is two years old this day may the
Lord preserve my wife & children from sickness
& Death untill my return O Lord I commit them into
thy hands, feed, clothe, & comfort them & thine shall
be the glory.
I spent the day in Manchester, in company with
Elder Young I took supper at Br John Smiths {I went to the store and bought Phebe a dress, Sarah Emma a dress, Wilford} 3 {yards of flannel
and} 22 {dollars which I left with Elder Young to send to my wife all} 1 4 11 1/2
I preached in the evening at Br Blacks & spent the evening night at the Star office with Elder Young
I had an interview in the afternoon with Sister Richards I wrote a letter to Phebe & sent it with the {parcel and [goods]}
~ Wednesday
15th I parted with Elder Young & the Saints in Man
chester & rode to Burslem had an interview with Elder G. A Smith & Cordon & the Saints spent the night at
Burslem I Brought 110 Stars for A Cordon & 550 for T. Kington & about 100 hymn Books 35 miles
~ Thursday
16th I visited Stoke & StoneLane End. the Saints
were Joyful to see me or manifested themsellves so
I preached at Hanly & Baptized one[FIGURE]
I was Presented with a small splended China Box as
A present from the Saints in Stoke upon Trent England
{with the following inscribing: Phebe and Wilford Woodruff. A present from Stoke on Trent England. It
was worth about ₤} 3. {The names were spelled wrong and I had them altered. They were spelled as
follows:} Willeard, Pheab, Woodrooff. {We supplied the jewelry for it. I also have} 3 {china [vials]}
One {to Phebe,} one {to Sara} one {to Eunice and} 4 {thimbles. They were from Kurt and Sally} 10 m[iles]
~ Friday
17th I wrote two letters to Phebe to go in a bun-
dle of things. We received a letter from Elder William
J. Barret, of Burslem who is now at London. he was
ordained an Elder under the hands of Elders G A Smith
& A Cordon he this day sets sail at London to carry
the gospel to South Australia a voyage of 16000 miles
he was in good spirits & felt the power of God & the
spirit of his mission he took our address & J Smith Jr
& sayes he will write, as soon as he esstablishes his mision
^ Sara Sarah Emma died this day^
~ Saturday
18th I wrote two letters one to Elder Turley &
one to the Saints from fox Islands at Montrose
I walked to Leek in company with Elder G A Sm
ith. Leek is the Metropolis of the Morelands. We
saw a large stone cross in the church yard erected
many centuries since in honour to some of the cardinals
in 1645 the rebels of Scotland broke the head of it of[f]
& built a fire around it & the smoke of it still remains 10 [miles].
~ Tuesday
14thSarah Emma is two years old this day may the
Lord Preserve my wife & Children from sickness
& Death Untill my return O Lord I commit them into
thy hands, feed, clothe, & comfort them & thine shall
be the glory.
I spent the day in Manchester, in company with
Elder Young I took supper at Br John Smiths{I went to the store and bought Phebe a dress, Emma a dress, Wilford} 3 {yards of flannel
and} 22 {dollars which I left with Elder Young to send to my wife ₤} 1.4. 11 ½
I preached in the evening at Br Blacks & spent the
night at the Star Office with Elder Young
I had an interview in the afternoon with Sister Richards
[FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Phebe & sent it with the {parcel and goods}
~ Wednesday
15th I parted with Elder Young & the Saints in Man
chester & rode to Burslem had an interview with Elder
G. A Smith & Cordon & the Saints spent the night at
Burslem. I Brought 110 Stars for A Cordon & 550 for
T. Kington & about 100 hymn Books 35 miles
~ Thursday
16th I visited Stoke & Lane End. the Saints
were Joyful to see me or manifested themselves so
I preached at Hanly & Baptized one [FIGURE]
I was Presented with a small Splended China Box as
A Present from the Saints in Stoke upon Trent England
{with the following inscribing: Phebe and Wilford Woodruff. A present from Stoke on Trent England. It
was worth about ₤} 3. {The names were spelled wrong and I had them altered. They were spelled as
follows:} Willeard, Pheab, Woodrooff. {We supplied the jewelry for it. I also have} 3 {china vials}
One {to Phebe,} one {to Sara} one {to Euncie and} 4 {thimbles. They were from Kurt and Sally} 10 m
~ Friday
17th [FIGURE] I wrote two letters to Phebe to go in a bundle of things. We received a letter from Elder William
J. Barret, of Burslem who is now at London. he was
Ordained an Elder under the hands of Elders G A Smith
& A Cordon he this day sets sail at London to carry
the gospel to South Australia a voyage of 16000 miles
he was in good spirits & felt the power of God & the
spirit of his mission he took our address & J Smith Jr
& sayes he will write, as soon as he esstablishes his mision
[FIGURE] Sarah Sarah Emma died this day
~ Saturday
18th [FIGURE] I wrote two letters one to Elder Turley &
one to the Saints from fox Islands at Montrose
I walked to Leek in company with Elder G A Sm
ith. Leek is the Metropolis of the Morelands. We
saw a large stone cross in the church yard erected
many centuries since in honour to some of the Cardinals
in 1645 the rebels of Scotland broke the head of it off
& built a fire around it & the smoke of it still remains. 10.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," July 14, 1840 - July 18, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 19, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/7MQ